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"Religions"  Sort by

Clash of the Gods: The Minotaur

   2009    Historia
A half-bull half-man freak of nature, the Minotaur is one of mythology's most terrifying monsters. A bizarre tale of bestiality, human sacrifice and war, the myth of the Minotaur endures as a symbol of the beast inside all men. But archeological research has uncovered clues suggesting the Minotaur and its terrifying labyrinth were just as much fact as they were fiction. Could they have been inspired by a real place that still exists to this day?
Series: Clash of the Gods

Clash of the Gods: Zeus

   2009    History
Ancient Greece's most powerful god wages an epic struggle against his father for control of the universe. It's the ultimate Clash of the Gods as the Olympians challenge the Titans in mythology's greatest showdown. This is a pivotal battle that experts believe may have been ancient code for a real world event - one of the greatest natural disasters the Earth ever experienced.
Series: Clash of the Gods


   2016    Culture
In the fourth episode, Morgan Freeman examines how different faiths see the creation of the world, taking him on a journey to the Vatican, Cairo and the jungles of Guatemala.
Series: The Story of God

Deliver Us From Evil

   2006    Culture
From director Amy Berg: 'Just a year and a half ago, after spending over four years on the same story for CNN and CBS before that, a paedophile priest named Oliver O'Grady decided he would participate in the film I wanted to make. It became Deliver Us From Evil -- the story from inside the sickest mind possible, the secrets that were meant to stay in the private files and crypts of the Roman Catholic Church, and the blind trust in those they perceived as God's messengers that left families with no faith and children with no innocence. After filming for a week and a half, the then defrocked priest mentioned he might need to move to Canada after this film comes public. Seeing the pain, corruption and missed opportunities to provide ministry to those in need was truly a tragic story to watch and the loss was more devastating than I ever imagined. It was so difficult to be so close to such a horror story that in the priest's words "never should have happened.".

Did God Have a Wife

   2011    Culture
Dr Francesca Stavrakopoulou asks whether the ancient Israelites believed in one God as the Bible claims. She puts the Bible text under the microscope, examining what the original Hebrew said, and explores archaeological sites in Syria and the Sinai which are shedding new light on the beliefs of the people of the Bible. Was the God of Abraham unique? Were the ancient Israelites polytheists? And is it all possible that God had another half?
Series: Bible's Buried Secrets


   2023    History
The world waits as Koresh makes new promise of surrender but the FBI's controversial tactics turn the compound into an apocalyptic scene. U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno approved recommendations of FBI officials to proceed with a final advance in which the Branch Davidians would be removed from the Mount Carmel Center by force.
In an attempt to flush Koresh out of the stronghold, the FBI resorted to pumping CS gas into the compound with the aid of an M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle, which was equipped with a battering ram. In the course of the advance, the Mount Carmel Center caught fire under circumstances that remain disputed. Barricaded inside the building, 79 Branch Davidians perished in the ensuing blaze; 21 of these victims were children under the age of 16. Koresh, then 33, died of a gunshot wound to the head during the course of the fire. It is unknown whether he committed suicide or if he was killed.
Series: Waco: American Apocalypse


2020  History
The Crusades

The Crusades

2012  History
How to Grow a Planet

How to Grow a Planet

2012  Science
Myths and Heroes

Myths and Heroes

2005  History
Formula 1 Season four

Formula 1 Season four

2022  Culture
The Crime of the Century

The Crime of the Century

2021  Medicine


2009  Nature