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"Waste"  Sort by

Building the Sun The 250 Million Degree Problem

   2017    Technology
Scientists investigate the way the Sun builds its power -- through fusion -- hoping to find a way to use fusion as a less dangerous and less radioactive waste-producing path to energy than fission. But there are some major difficulties along the way. Fusion really is the perfect way to make energy. We have millions of years worth of fuel. It produces no long-lived radioactive waste. If we can solve the engineering challenges, energy will become cheaper, more available for everybody.
Series: Catalyst

Food Water Waste

   2020    Nature
Across the world, rising demands for food, water and materials have pushed resources to the limit. Many parts of the world have major challenges over fresh water. A lot of soils have a lot of residual pesticides and herbicides. At the same time waste is piling higher. All this demands a new wave of innovation. The challenge is to make more of the things we need without the environmental cost.
Series: The Great Acceleration


   2021    Nature
Oceans are the largest ecosystem on earth, covering two thirds of our world’s surface and providing half the oxygen in our atmosphere. They are home to as much as 80 per cent of all life on earth, and nearly three billion people rely on them for their primary source of food.
But our planet’s oceans would be little more than stagnant wastelands, and life on planet earth would cease to exist, were it not for one simple factor: a global network of powerful ocean currents. Every drop of seawater on earth rides these currents, taking 1,000 years to complete a single circuit. Without the constant mixing of currents, tides and waves, our oceans would stop supporting life - and a healthy ocean is vital to a healthy planet.
Series: A Perfect Planet


The Story of China

The Story of China

2016  History
Planet Earth

Planet Earth

2007  Nature
Human: The World Within

Human: The World Within

2021  Medicine
The Human Body

The Human Body

1998  Medicine
Future of Work

Future of Work

2021  Technology
Clarkson Farm Season 2

Clarkson Farm Season 2

2023  Nature