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3D Documentaries


Mysteries of the Unseen World

   2013    Nature    3D    HD
In the National Geographic tradition of powerful natural-history images and storytelling, this film reveals once-invisible dimensions of nature that are filled with beauty and wonder-and hold secrets crucial to our survival. It shines a fascinating spotlight on objects and events that escape the naked eye every minute of every day. Visually stunning and rooted in cutting-edge research, the film blends high-speed and time-lapse photography, electron microscopy and nanotechnology.

Hidden Worlds 3D Caves of the Dead

   2013    History    3D
In the days of the Mayas, cenotes – deep, natural pits on the Yucatan peninsula - provided the only means of obtaining drinking water. But in the mythology of this advanced civilisation, these waterholes and caves were also the entrance to Xibalba – the underworld. All deceased were obliged to pass through Xibalba and wait there until they were called into heaven. It was a place in which one made sacrifices to the gods – objects of daily life, as well as bloody, human sacrifices. To this day, the relics of these acts are still in place preserved underwater for more than a thousand years. The entrance to the underworld begins at a dirty waterhole in the middle of the Mexican jungle overgrown and barely recognisable. But immediately after entry, a hall of breath-taking dimensions and beauty is revealed. As if they were sculptures, stalactites and stalagmites lend the underwater cave an almost sacred ambience. By now, one has succumbed to the fascination emanated by the world’s largest underwater cave system. We accompany four professional research divers to Yucatan – a team of specialists, able to squeeze their bodies through crevices and holes, barely larger than their bodies and who master dives that would push even the most experienced divers to their limits. With them, we penetrate worlds only a few people have ever ventured into. We encounter the remains of human victims, prehistoric fireplaces and primeval animal skeletons and undertake a dive, which takes us from the primeval forest to the open sea. We then enter Xibalba – the place of myths and the dead. In the days of the Mayas - a voyage of no return. Today, this is one of the greatest challenges one can face as a diver – the hidden world of the underwater caves of Yucatan – all filmed in 3D.

Enchanted Kingdom

   2013    Nature    3D
This absolutely beautiful documentary on our World, its mystical beauty and miracles including slow motion footage of nature, animals, seasons, new life and daily beauties I've never seen nor imagined existed. The photography is sensational. The animal behaviour shown is incredible, beautiful and humorous. Even if you never have been a fan of nature documentaries, this blew you away

Island of Lemurs Madagascar

   2014    Nature    3D
Morgan Freeman narrates Island of Lemurs: Madagascar, the incredible true story of nature's greatest explorers - lemurs. Scientist Patricia Wright has a passion for preserving the life of one particular creature: the lemur. These lively animals found in Madagascar face all sorts of threats, just like so many other animals in a world in which they are increasingly crowded out by humans. Her passion for the subject is compelling and plainly evident, but it's the silent testimony of the animals themselves that really makes the case. Countless hours of footage are trimmed down to create this tapestry depicting the lives of these creatures of remarkable intelligence and ingenuity. Their daily routines and extraordinary adventures are awesome to behold, as is the way that the community functions. A full immersion into the world of the lemurs means great insights on these unusual animals.

Our Universe

   2013    Science    3D    HD
Join us in a journey through space and time. Since the birth of modern science and technology, the true nature of universe has been known and at this point of time, universe is so huge that our hearts are filled with awe and reverence more deeply than our ignorant ancestors felt. This is a wonderful, magical and fascinating phenomena spread over the unimaginable vastness and this documentary takes us to its journey thanks to modern CGI technology in HD.
Dirty Money
Dirty Money

   2018    Culture
Wild Wild Country
Wild Wild Country

   2018    Culture
Leaving Neverland
Leaving Neverland

   2019    Culture
Earth from Space
Earth from Space

   2019    Nature
The Cell
The Cell

Alien Worlds
Alien Worlds

   2020    Science
The Men Who Built America
The Men Who Built America

   2012    History
Through the Wormhole
Through the Wormhole

   2011    Science