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"The Earth"  Sort by

A New Perspective

   2019    Nature    HD
Prepare yourself for a groundbreaking series that reveals a spectacular new space-based vision of our planet. Cameras in space will tell stories of life on our planet from a brand new perspective.
Satellites follow an elephant family struggling through drought, reveal previously unknown emperor penguin colonies from the colour of their poo, and discover mysterious ice rings that could put seal pups in danger. Using cameras on the ground, in the air and in space, Earth from Space follows nature’s greatest spectacles, weather events and dramatic seasonal changes. This is our home, as we’ve never seen it before.
Series: Earth from Space

A Plastic Ocean

   2016    Nature
The film begins when journalist Craig Leeson, searching for the elusive blue whale, discovers plastic waste in what should be pristine ocean. In this adventure documentary, Craig teams up with free diver Tanya Streeter and an international team of scientists and researchers, and they travel to twenty locations around the world over the next four years to explore the fragile state of our oceans, uncover alarming truths about plastic pollution, and reveal working solutions that can be put into immediate effect.

Aftermath Population Zero

   2008    Nature
Imagine if one minute from now, every single person on Earth disappeared. All of us. Human history just stopped. What would happen to the world without us? Aftermath: Population Zero features what scientists and others speculate the earth, animal life, and plant life might be like if humanity no longer existed, as well as the effect that humanity's disappearance would have on the artefacts of civilization. this documentary is inspired by Alan Weisman's The World Without Us.

Age of Ice and Fire

   2023    Science
The final episode begins with a description of the extreme cold conditions that characterized the beginning of the Holocene period, and how species like the bison and the wolf adapted to survive in these hostile environments. We will witness the majesty of the woolly mammoth and the fierce cave lion, with a vivid reconstruction of their struggles for survival. We'll see the impact of climate change during this period, from the expansion of the deserts to the transformation of the tropical rainforests of Africa into grasslands, deeply affecting primates and other animals. It highlights how these changes forced primates to adapt to life on the ground, facing new challenges and predators.
A crucial turn occurred with the emergence of humans as dominant predators and their influence on the extinction of large mammals. The documentary describes humanity's transition from hunter-gatherers to farmers, a change that radically altered the landscape and biodiversity of the planet. Finally, it poses a reflection on the current challenges of climate change and the sixth mass extinction, inviting viewers to consider humanity's crucial role in shaping the future of the Earth.
Series: Life on Our Planet


   2018    Science
Every day Astronomers are finding a new planetary system that looks pretty similar to Earth. The possibilities of life somewhere else other than Earth I think are very high. If there is life out there what would it be like? Could we talk to it? Is there anything out there like you and me? To find out, we can't just look into space, we also need to look down here.
The story of how a miraculous event transformed life on Earth into a complex interconnected food web; Astronauts and experts question other intelligent life in the universe.
Series: One Strange Rock

Aliens of the Deep

James Cameron journeys to some of the Earth's deepest, most extreme and unknown environments in search of the strange and alien creatures that live there. Joining him is a team of young NASA scientists and marine biologists who consider how these life forms represent life we may one day find in outer space not only on distant planets orbiting distant stars, but also within our own solar system.
Aliens of the Deep is the result of expeditions to several hydrothermal vent sites in the Atlantic and the Pacific. These are violent volcanic regions where new planet is literally being born and where the interaction between ocean and molten rock creates plumes of super-heated, chemically-charged water that serve as oases for animals unlike anything ever discovered. Six-foot tall worms with blood-red plumes and no stomach, blind white crabs, and a biomass of shrimp capable of 'seeing' heat all compete to find just the right location in the flow of the super-heated, life-giving water or to fry.
The Hunt

The Hunt

2015  Nature
Through the Wormhole

Through the Wormhole

2011  Science
The Hunt

The Hunt

2015  Nature
Secrets of the Universe

Secrets of the Universe

2022  Technology
Formula 1 Season four

Formula 1 Season four

2022  Culture
Life in a Day

Life in a Day

2021  Culture
The Crusades

The Crusades

2012  History