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Curse of the Piltdown Man

   2021    History
The archaeological world is fooled for nearly half a century when an ape-like skull that's claimed as solid evidence for Darwin's theory of human evolution is proven fake. Using new research, experts investigate and uncover the identity of the forger.
Locked away in a store room at London Science Museum is a genuine 19th century miracle machine, a 180-year-old mechanical engine that solves complex mathematical equations, more than 100 years before the first electronic computer.
Series: Strangest Things

Navy of the Damned

Recent archaeological sites in England offer a whole new perspective on the life and death of the seafarers and marines who built the British Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries. The bones of sailors reveal surprising and shocking facts. Apparently not only seasoned men but also half children did their service in the Royal Navy; according to the investigations, the youngest were no older than 13 years. A forensic archaeologist studies the injuries on bones discovered at the site of an battle and suggests how these people may have died.
Three-hundred-and-fifty skeletons, exhumed from Royal Navy graveyards from the age of Nelson's Navy, are throwing an extraordinary new light on how these sailors lived, fought, outwitted their enemy, and, from the oldest to youngest, suffered for victory. These men were the beating heart of the most victorious fleet in history and never have so many of these sailors' remains been available for forensic investigation.
Six remarkable stories stand out: the child sailor, the top man, the American gunner, the freed slave, the marine and the victim of the sailor's most dreaded disease: syphilis. Broken bones, amputations, injuries from blows with a saber or cutlass, sexually transmitted diseases, but also malnutrition - the list of causes of death is long. There is definitely no tale of seafaring romance. These fighters and sailors sailed the globe as cannon fodder, conquered an empire for the crown, and were themselves forgotten. No longer just bones in a box, the men of Nelson's Navy are back from the dead.
Series: Warrior Graveyard

Our Precious Isles

   2023    Nature
In the first episode, Sir David Attenborough reveals the unexpected wildlife riches of the British Isles, showcasing the dramatic and spectacular habitats that rival any across the globe. This journey uncovers the diversity of life in the UK's unique landscapes, from the intricate world of bumblebees to the swift lives of kingfishers. The episode captures extraordinary scenes of nature, including killer whales preying on seals, golden eagles in the Scottish mountains, the cunning tactics of woodland plants, and the perilous life of puffins evading gulls. It highlights Britain's geological diversity as a cornerstone of its natural wealth, contributing to an array of habitats and supporting a wide range of life.
Britain's importance extends to being a haven for migratory birds, with our seas feeding 65% of the world's gannets and supporting the largest colony of northern gannets on Scotland's Bass Rock. The west coast of Scotland offers sanctuary to barnacle geese due to its abundant food and mild climate, though they remain vigilant against hunting sea eagles. Despite these natural treasures, Britain faces challenges as one of the most nature-depleted countries globally. Sir David Attenborough emphasizes the need to conserve and restore these wild isles for the enjoyment and benefit of future generations.
Series: Wild Isles

Brawn: The Impossible Formula 1 Story (III)

   2023    Culture
The third part of the series begins with the excitement of Button's initial victories, highlighting his talent and skill on the tracks. However, as the season progresses, the focus shifts to the growing tension between Button and Barrichello. This tension is fueled by the internal struggle for leadership in the team and the drivers' championship. These rivalries affect performance on the track. Another key point is the management of the Brawn GP team, facing financial and technical challenges while seeking to maintain its competitive edge against rivals like Red Bull and McLaren. We discover the psychological aspect of racing, showing how the pressure of the championship affects Button, leading him to make mistakes and question his abilities. At the same time, Barrichello's resurgence is observed, showing determination and experience to take advantage of his opportunities.
Finally, the evolution of the Brawn GP team is addressed, from its triumphs to moments of uncertainty, culminating in a season that is both a success story and a testimony to the unpredictable nature of Formula 1.
Series: Brawn: The Impossible Formula 1 Story

Out of the Ashes

   2023    Science
The sixth episode of the series narrates the fascinating story of the evolution and survival of life on our planet after the catastrophic event that marked the end of the era of dinosaurs, 66 million years ago. Through a visually stunning journey, we will see the impact of the meteorite and all its consequences in detail. We will also discover how the animals and plants that survived the mass extinction adapted, evolved, and diversified to fill the ecological niches left by the dinosaurs. From the first mammals and birds that emerged from the ashes to dominate the Earth, to the formation of complex ecosystems in the oceans and on land, the documentary offers a unique vision of the resilience and innovation of life on our planet.
With impressive imagery and exciting stories, it reveals how life, against all odds, thrived after one of the most devastating events in Earth's history. This documentary is a testament to the unbreakable strength of life and its ability to adapt and flourish even in the most adverse conditions.
Series: Life on Our Planet

The Cambridgeshire Crucifixion

The documentary tells the story of the extremely rare discovery of evidence of Roman crucifixion, unearthed in a routine archaeological dig in the Cambridgeshire Fens. When human remains were found alongside a variety of Roman artifacts, none of the team at Albion Archaeology saw anything out of the ordinary. But once the bones were washed back at HQ, something highly unusual was uncovered: a nail through the heel bone of one of the individuals. Could this be evidence of a Roman crucifixion? When they did some research, they found that only one confirmed example had ever been unearthed before, discovered in the 1960s in Jerusalem. To find out more, they called in renowned osteoarchaeologist Dr Corinne Duhig to investigate. With exclusive access to Corinne’s investigation and the remains themselves, The Cambridgeshire Crucifixion sets out to find out who this person was, how they lived and why they were put to death in this notoriously gruesome way. We perform a CT scan, DNA and isotope analysis of the remains, and use them to create a cutting-edge virtual autopsy of the skeleton, conducted by Corinne and one of her former students, biologist Prof Ben Garrod.
A supporting cast of expert contributors help to analyse the artefacts found at the Fenstanton site and reveal a compelling picture of life in Roman Britain in the 1st century CE. The film culminates in a world first: a full forensic facial reconstruction of a victim of Roman crucifixion, conducted by world-leading expert Joe Mullins.
The Jinx

The Jinx

Planet Earth

Planet Earth

2007  Nature
The Universe Season 7

The Universe Season 7

2014  Science
The Story of God

The Story of God

2016  Culture
Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece

2013  History
How to Change Your Mind

How to Change Your Mind

2022  Medicine