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Out of the Ashes

   2023    Science
The sixth episode of the series narrates the fascinating story of the evolution and survival of life on our planet after the catastrophic event that marked the end of the era of dinosaurs, 66 million years ago. Through a visually stunning journey, we will see the impact of the meteorite and all its consequences in detail. We will also discover how the animals and plants that survived the mass extinction adapted, evolved, and diversified to fill the ecological niches left by the dinosaurs. From the first mammals and birds that emerged from the ashes to dominate the Earth, to the formation of complex ecosystems in the oceans and on land, the documentary offers a unique vision of the resilience and innovation of life on our planet.
With impressive imagery and exciting stories, it reveals how life, against all odds, thrived after one of the most devastating events in Earth's history. This documentary is a testament to the unbreakable strength of life and its ability to adapt and flourish even in the most adverse conditions.
Series: Life on Our Planet


   2023    Nature
Sir David Attenborough explores the incredible diversity of Britain’s woodlands, taking us on a seasonal journey through our forests, and revealing a host of spectacular animals and the hidden dramas that rule their lives.
In an ancient pine tree in the Cairngorms, two eagle chicks are on the verge of fledging their gargantuan nest. In winter in the Forest of Dean, the reintroduction of wild boar has given the robin a lifeline. As they root through the thick snow, the boar unearth the worms with their snouts, which the robins otherwise couldn't find.
Back in Scotland, a male capercaillie displays to gathering females. These birds are on the edge. With only around 500 left, they are some of the rarest and most threatened in the British Isles. In a beech woodland outside London, the deciduous trees burst to life in spring, and huge colonies of wood ants awaken and go looking for food. Also looking for sustenance is a female roe deer. With no large predators left in our woods, the deer are free to browse on new growth to the extent that they can damage the woodland itself.
In Sussex is an ancient-looking landscape, but one that has only been recreated in the past 20 years. This is the wood pasture of Knepp, created by using old grazing methods that generate a mix of scrub, open areas and ancient trees. In the Scottish Highlands, red squirrels battle it out for access to ripe pine cones at the top of a tree. It’s an acrobatic and energetic encounter, with more than a little cunning required to win the day. As the summer finally fades, we encounter a honey buzzard nest, where two chicks feast on wasp grubs, squabble between themselves and grow up before our eyes.
Autumn brings the fallow deer rut. The woods resonate with their calls, and bucks fight for supremacy. The season also brings colour, both in the leaves but also in the fungi that fruit at this time of year. The mushrooms are just a tiny part of their story, however, and we travel underground to see how the wood-wide web connects the whole forest together.
Series: Wild Isles

Planet Earth III: Forests

   2023    Nature
Journey to secret worlds where lives are wrapped in unexpected of ways. The fifth episode of the series takes viewers into the fascinating world of forests, revealing their hidden complexities and the intricate relationships within. Initially perceived as tranquil, forests are in fact bustling with life and intricate ecological interactions. The episode showcases various species, each with its unique lifestyle and survival strategies. Highlights include the Oriental pied hornbills in Borneo, whose extraordinary nesting rituals and partner dynamics are captivating.
The Amazon rainforest is explored, introducing the peculiar treehoppers and their unique communication methods, vital for survival amidst numerous predators like ants and assassin bugs. The episode also delves into the intelligent and cooperative hunting techniques of dholes in the forests of India. The narrative takes a turn to China, focusing on the visually stunning courtship displays of Temminck's tragopans and golden pheasants. In the temperate rainforests of Western Canada, the rare spirit bear and its unique relationship with its habitat are examined.
The episode concludes with an insightful look at the impact of human activity on forests and their inhabitants, particularly focusing on chimpanzees in Uganda, whose survival is increasingly intertwined with human expansion.
Series: Planet Earth III

Planet Earth III: Extremes

   2023    Nature
Explore the breathtaking extremes of our planet in this captivating episode. Journey through the vast Hang Son Doong cave in Vietnam, the largest on Earth. Witness the resilience of life in harsh conditions, marvel at the adaptation strategies of species like the blind cave fish and the enduring Arctic wolf pack. In the Arctic, observe the strategic hunt of wolves preying on musk oxen, a dance as old as the Ice Age. In the French Alps, the struggle for mating among common frogs unfolds, showcasing the urgency and challenges faced by cold-blooded animals. Witness the social dynamics of Barbary macaques in the cedar forests of the Atlas Mountains, where survival hinges on social bonds. The forests of Mexico, home to millions of monarch butterflies that huddle for warmth, illustrates the fragility and beauty of nature.
Discover how fire shapes ecosystems in South Africa's fynbos and Northern Australia, crucial for the survival of species like the golden-shouldered parrot. The documentary poignantly addresses the impact of changing climates and human intervention on wildlife, from the endangered elephants of Amboseli, Kenya, to the secretive snow leopards of the Gobi Desert. This episode offers a profound glimpse into the extraordinary adaptations and challenges faced by wildlife across the globe, reminding us of the delicate balance and beauty of life on Earth.
Series: Planet Earth III

VI North America

   2019    Nature
Explore the extremes of North America in this fascinating documentary, where the continent's wildlife faces daunting challenges and embraces opportunities presented by its ever-changing seasons. From the resilient lynx navigating the harsh Yukon winter to the enchanting spectacle of fireflies lighting up Mississippi nights, witness the ingenious survival strategies of animals in the face of extreme weather. Encounter the drama of tornadoes sweeping the Great Plains and the strategic pursuits of predators like the American badger.
With stunning visuals and compelling narratives, this documentary unveils the relentless spirit of North America's diverse inhabitants in the midst of nature's trials and triumphs.
Series: Seven Worlds One Planet

V Europe

   2019    Nature
David Attenborough explores the continent of Europe - a crowded continent transformed by mankind, capturing the challenges and triumphs of its wildlife. The documentary showcases remarkable scenes, from pelicans engaging in coordinated fishing tactics to the resilient Iberian lynx fighting for survival. Amidst Europe's evolving environment shaped by human impact, it emphasizes the importance of protecting wilderness to ensure the future of the continent's precious wildlife.
We will watch surprising encounters with elusive predators like wolves and lynxes living remarkably close to human communities. The documentary offers a unique glimpse into the intricacies of Europe's ecosystems and the delicate balance between its inhabitants and the changing world around them.
Series: Seven Worlds One Planet
Prehistoric Planet

Prehistoric Planet

2022  Science
Wild Isles

Wild Isles

2023  Nature
Racism: A History

Racism: A History

2007  Culture
Blue Planet II

Blue Planet II

2017  Nature


1980  Culture


2013  History
Secrets of the Octopus

Secrets of the Octopus

2024  Nature