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"France"  Sort by

Nuclear Now

   2022    Technology
With unprecedented access to the nuclear industry in France, Russia, and the United States, director Oliver Stone delves deep into the groundbreaking technologies that promise a revolution in energy production. But this is not just a story of power and progress; it's a tale of dispelling myths and confronting the fears surrounding nuclear energy. From the passionate voices of those funding their ventures to the illuminating insights of visionaries like Stephen Hawking, 'Nuclear Now' challenges viewers to question their preconceptions.
Join this journey to uncover the truths, understand the risks, and judge the possibilities. Imagine a tomorrow that is brighter than today, where humanity harnesses the primordial power of the atom to ensure a future we can all look forward to. Dive into the debate, and decide for yourself.

What a King Should Know

   2012    History
Dr Janina Ramirez shows how medieval manuscripts gave power to the king and united the kingdom in an age of plague, warfare and rebellion, discovers that Edward III used the manuscripts he read as a boy to prepare him for his great victory at the battle of Crecy and reveals how a vigorous new national identity bloomed during the 100 Years War with France. In the British Library's Royal Manuscripts collection Dr Ramirez finds out that magnificent manuscripts like the Bedford Hours, taken as war booty from the French royal family, were adapted for the education of English princes. She also explores how knowledge spread through a new form of book - the encyclopaedia.
Series: Illuminations: the private lives of medieval kings


   2014    History
1916. The war is raging in Europe and stretches from the trenches in France to the Italian Alps and the Balkans, and beyond to the gates of the Eastern world. The conflict becomes industrial, and millions of shells rain down on the battlefields; Verdun and the Somme are the deadliest battles in this second year of the war. Who can stop this infernal machine?
Series: Apocalypse: World War 1


   2014    History
The French army stops the German advance at the battle of the Marne, while the Germans halt the Russians at Tannenberg on the eastern front. In France, the warring parties dig themselves in for 4 years in the trenches. Soldiers from the colonies come lend a hand to their colonizers and the war becomes global.
Series: Apocalypse: World War 1

Neanderthal 2

Long ago, two species of human beings coexisted on Earth until competition drove one of them to extinction. This program, set in the southwest of France 35,000 years ago, reconstructs the life in the Neanderthal world at the time Cro-Magnons first entered the scene. All aspects of Neanderthal clan life are examined, including tool- and weapon-making, hunting and gathering, health and healing, childbirth, rituals, and making fire. Footage of skeletal remains and the scholarly research of eminent paleontologist Chris Stringer and Oxford University's Paul Pettitt support the documentary.
Series: Neanderthal

The Spy in Your Mobile

   2023    Technology
Immerse yourself in the enigmatic realm of global cybersecurity with this riveting documentary that navigates the operations of the NSO Group. As a private entity leading the charge in cyber intelligence technologies, Group's flagship spyware, PEGASUS, ignites international debates on surveillance and privacy rights. Delve into the clandestine layers of this contentious group and witness firsthand the intricate, and often unsettling realities of contemporary cyber surveillance.
The film scrutinizes the formidable and unnerving Pegasus spyware, retailed by the Israeli NSO Group, and employed against journalists, activists, and even entire governments. The ensuing tensions and frustrations create a drama that keeps you at the edge of your seat. Prepare to be enthralled by this real-life cyber saga; it's an exploration you won't want to miss.
The Cell

The Cell

History of the Eagles

History of the Eagles

2013  History
Planet Earth II

Planet Earth II

2016  Nature
Wild Wild Country

Wild Wild Country

2018  Culture


2013  History