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Fierce Queens: Growing Up

   2020    Nature
Reese Witherspoon hosts this nature series that explores the fabulous females of the animal kingdom. From ants to cheetahs, these ladies call the shots in their world and sit at the top of the social hierarchy earning them the title 'Fierce Queens'. In the first episode, Reese takes us on a journey with two teenage cheetah sisters, coming of age in the wild and learning how to work together to survive.
Series: Fierce Queens

A Necessary Fiction

Octavian takes a new bride, Livia, and then introduces her to his family in a startling way... by having her witness the punishment he metes out to Atia and Octavia, for secretly defying the social constraints established through the facade of Octavia's marriage to Mark Antony. The vengeful Gaia carries out her plan to poison Eirene, which produces most dire consequences for Pullo, and no one else is the wiser.
Meanwhile, Octavian, Antony, Maecenas, and their associates barely maintain their relationships of congenial contempt and hypocrisy, as everyone tries to figure out who has duped whom with the disappearance of the gold that was Herod's 'gift.'
Series: Rome Second Season

The Surveillance Capitalists

   2019    Technology
Everywhere you go, you generate a cloud of data. You're trailing data, everything that you do is producing data. And then there are computers looking at that data that are learning, and these computers are essentially trying to serve you better. They're trying to personalize things to you. They're trying to adapt the world to you. So on the one hand, this is great, because the world will get adapted to you without you even having to explicitly adapt it. There's also a danger, because the entities in the companies that are in control of those algorithms don't necessarily have the same goals as you, and this is where I think people need to be aware that, what's going on, so they can have more control over it.
We came into this new world thinking that we were users of social media and search engines. It didn't occur to us that social media and search engines were actually using us.
Series: In the Age of AI


   2020    Technology
The documentary delves into the captivating world of Artificial Intelligence, exploring its rapid advancements, societal impact, and ethical dilemmas. Through interviews with experts, it highlights the potential for AI to learn like humans, revolutionizing our work and creations. It also raises critical questions about its regulation, the dangers of military applications, and the need for international cooperation. This thought-provoking documentary offers a deep dive into the AI revolution and the profound implications it holds for our future, making it a must-watch for anyone intrigued by the intersection of technology, ethics, and society.
iHUMAN is a political thriller about artificial intelligence, power and social control. With unparalleled access to the inside of the booming AI industry, this film shows how the most powerful and far-reaching technology of our time is changing our lives, our society and our future.

The Metaverse

   2021    Technology
The metaverse is an environment where humans interact socially and economically through a software in cyberspace, which acts as a metaphor for the real world, but without its limitations. The metaverse is generally composed of multiple three-dimensional, shared and persistent virtual spaces linked to a perceived virtual universe. This virtual world is often facilitated by the use of virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) headsets and avatars. The Metaverse is the successor to the internet. It will change the lives of almost every human on the planet.
Series: Engineering the Future

Love a Bot

   2017    Technology
Here's a growing trend in artificial intelligence. Dating video games and other applications let users carry on virtual relationships with computerized girlfriends ranging from career women to Japanese schoolgirls. There's even something for the ladies. How soon will there be artificial intelligence of such complexity that protecting its well-being and rights becomes a serious political and social concern? In what year will there be an app or computer program or a device that you not only love but that possibly, within the realm of believability might actually love you ...back?
Series: Mind Field Season 1