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Revolution of Sound: Tangerine Dream

   2017    Art
Edgar Froese, band leader of Tangerine Dream and pioneer of electronic music, is on a lifelong mission to find the ultimate sound. His constant quest takes him and his fellow band members to worldwide success, all the way to the Hollywood studios in Los Angeles. At his death in January 2015, Edgar Froese leaves a legacy of 48 years of music history.
The film shows previously unreleased footage shot by the band leader himself: For the first time, we see the band backstage, on tour in Europe and the US, at photoshoots with Jim Rakete or on holiday at the seaside. Records and interviews with his wife Bianca Froese-Acquaye, with band members, close associates and fellow artists map the unique history of Tangerine Dream: a tribute to the musician Edgar Froese and the era of electronic music.

Dire Straits Live BBC Arena

On 20th and 21st of December 1980, Dire Straits played at the Rainbow Theatre, London. Both nights were recorded for broadcasting on BBC2 television. Cameras were on hand to film the return of Dire Straits from their triumphant 1980 Brothers in Arms world tour. The film features a superb concert they played and band members talk about their music and the pressures and the consequences of success.
Rehearsals took place at the Whood Wharf studio in London as well, between March 4-7, 1980, as well as interviews Less than a year later, before the recording sessions for ‘Making Movies’ ended (after Mark admitted that he wished they would continue indefinitely), David would leave the band, never to return.


   2024    History
(Click CC for subtitles) Embark on a captivating journey into the heart of Frida Kahlo's vibrant existence. This profound exploration delves into the intimate world of the iconic artist, as narrated by Kahlo herself through her most personal diaries, revealing letters, thoughtful essays, and insightful interviews. Witness the raw and magical odyssey of her life, illuminated by the sorrows and joys that inspired her unforgettable art. The documentary comes alive with enchanting, lyrical animations that draw directly from the vivid colors and emotional depth of Kahlo's masterpieces, offering a visually stunning experience that mirrors the passion and complexity of her soul.
This film is not just a biography; it's an immersive experience into the essence of Frida Kahlo's artistry and being, promising to leave audiences inspired, moved, and forever changed.


   2023    Nature
Sir David Attenborough explores the incredible diversity of Britain’s woodlands, taking us on a seasonal journey through our forests, and revealing a host of spectacular animals and the hidden dramas that rule their lives.
In an ancient pine tree in the Cairngorms, two eagle chicks are on the verge of fledging their gargantuan nest. In winter in the Forest of Dean, the reintroduction of wild boar has given the robin a lifeline. As they root through the thick snow, the boar unearth the worms with their snouts, which the robins otherwise couldn't find.
Back in Scotland, a male capercaillie displays to gathering females. These birds are on the edge. With only around 500 left, they are some of the rarest and most threatened in the British Isles. In a beech woodland outside London, the deciduous trees burst to life in spring, and huge colonies of wood ants awaken and go looking for food. Also looking for sustenance is a female roe deer. With no large predators left in our woods, the deer are free to browse on new growth to the extent that they can damage the woodland itself.
In Sussex is an ancient-looking landscape, but one that has only been recreated in the past 20 years. This is the wood pasture of Knepp, created by using old grazing methods that generate a mix of scrub, open areas and ancient trees. In the Scottish Highlands, red squirrels battle it out for access to ripe pine cones at the top of a tree. It’s an acrobatic and energetic encounter, with more than a little cunning required to win the day. As the summer finally fades, we encounter a honey buzzard nest, where two chicks feast on wasp grubs, squabble between themselves and grow up before our eyes.
Autumn brings the fallow deer rut. The woods resonate with their calls, and bucks fight for supremacy. The season also brings colour, both in the leaves but also in the fungi that fruit at this time of year. The mushrooms are just a tiny part of their story, however, and we travel underground to see how the wood-wide web connects the whole forest together.
Series: Wild Isles

The Fame

   2023    History
This episode immerses viewers in the glittering world of supermodels Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, and Christy Turlington. With their striking looks and magnetic personalities, these fashion legends rose to prominence by collaborating with industry titans and gracing the world's most prestigious runways. The documentary skillfully captures their unwavering dedication and unrivaled passion for their craft, offering an intimate look at their remarkable careers. However, the pinnacle of their success arrives when these iconic supermodels unite for a groundbreaking music video, a surprising endeavor that reshapes the course of their careers and the fashion landscape.
Audiences will be captivated by their collective power and charisma as they redefine beauty standards and leave an indelible mark on both the fashion industry and popular culture. This episode is a compelling exploration of a bygone era where fashion, music, and celebrity collided, and four extraordinary women stood at the forefront of this cultural revolution, making it a must-watch for anyone fascinated by the inner workings of the fashion world and the enduring legacy of these iconic supermodels.
Series: The Super Models

The Future of Longevity

   2023    Medicine
In the extraordinary final chapter, viewers are taken on a global journey to review regions renowned for their extreme longevity. From picturesque Sardinia to the serene landscapes of Okinawa and the vibrant community in Loma Linda, the film uncovers the secrets behind these remarkable Blue Zones. It offers a fascinating glimpse into the unique lifestyles and community dynamics that contribute to the residents' exceptional health and long lives, leaving viewers intrigued by the possibilities of enhancing their own well-being.
The film doesn't stop at showcasing these remarkable places; it also delves into innovative approaches to improve public health. By highlighting initiatives like Singapore's Proximity Housing Grant and the transformative Blue Zones project, the episode encourages viewers to reflect on the impact of environment and policy on individual health. Ultimately, it leaves audiences pondering how they can adapt these life-enhancing principles to enrich their own lives.
Series: Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones
Wild Wild Country

Wild Wild Country

2018  Culture


1980  Science


2018  Technology
Seven Ages of Rock

Seven Ages of Rock

2007  Art
The Truth About

The Truth About

2018  Medicine


2016  Culture