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"Alien"  Sort by

Aliens of the Microcosmos

   2021    Science
The cosmos, with its billions of galaxies and countless stars, isn't the only one. We share our lives with another universe: The world of the small, of the viruses, of the bacteria. We call this strange hidden kingdom the Microcosmos. We share our world with the microcosmos. Will we coexist in an uneasy peace, or will it destroy us?
In 2020, A tiny virus caused a global pandemic, COVID-19. This pandemic makes people see the world completely differently, because there was an invisible universe, pretty much ignored for the most part. Very, very tiny things have a huge impact on our lives. The microcosmos is complex, while some parts kill us, others keep us alive. The microcosmos is responsible for the very oxygen that we breathe and the soil on which we live. And it will influence our future as we venture out into space.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 9

Ancient Alien Computer

   2021    History
An ancient piece of corroded metal is more than it seems: an alien-looking device of intricate dials and cogs; there are over 30 gears inside and some gears have up to 65 teeth on them. Using cutting-edge imaging technology, experts examine what could actually be a 2,000-year-old computer.
How can an ancient Roman cup change colour? It's not an optical illusion. It really does change colour from red to green.
Series: Strangest Things

Aliens: Are We Alone

   2021    Science
Brian Cox looks at our attempts to answer one of the most profound questions we can ask – are we alone in the universe? With scientists sending space probes to the furthest reaches of our solar system and beyond, the scientific search for alien life has begun. Inspired by a childhood love of science fiction, Brian still hopes to hear from ET. In this film, he explains why this search deserves to be taken seriously, and he explores the chances of it happening.
Series: Brian Cox Adventures in Space and Time

Mystery of the Dead Planets

   2021    Science    HD
The season 8 of Space Deepest Secrets shares the stories of deep-space explorers who are risking their careers, and even their lives, to lead humanity to worlds yet to be seen.
In the first episode, astronomers are laying the groundwork to locate a new planet for the human race to inhabit, and the more alien worlds they discover and encounter, the more they unmask the mysterious and truly destructive nature of the cosmos.
Series: Space Deepest Secrets Series 8

Memory: The Origins of Alien

   2019    Art
An in-depth voyage into the sci-fi film 'Alien' with the visionary filmmakers who created it. See how one of the most terrifying movies of all time came to life 40 years ago and the untold origin story behind Ridley Scott's movie.
It was rooted in Greek and Egyptian mythologies and in our universal fears, and the history was inspired by underground comics, the art of Francis Bacon, and the dark visions of Dan O'Bannon and H.R. Giger. The documentary is a contemplation on the symbiotic collaborative process of movie-making, the power of myth, and our collective unconscious.

Whale Wisdom

   2019    Nature
Whales have long been a profound mystery to us. They live in a world so removed from our own that we can barely imagine their lives. Their environment is different, their senses are different, their relationships are different. How might such almost alien creatures see the world?, Narrated by David Attenborough.
Natural World

Natural World

2015  Nature
Secrets of the Octopus

Secrets of the Octopus

2024  Nature
The Keepers

The Keepers

2017  Culture
Wild Isles

Wild Isles

2023  Nature
Frozen Planet II

Frozen Planet II

2022  Nature


2018  Nature