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"Black Hole"  Sort by

Beyond Hubble: Launching the Telescope of Tomorrow

   2021    Technology    HD
Following engineers and scientists on a groundbreaking mission as they build, test and launch the James Webb Space Telescope, the most powerful observatory ever constructed, and discovers the astonishing cosmological enigmas it will investigate. Using the latest CGI animation technology, the film will follow the journey and share the incredible cosmological images and mysteries that scientists believe the telescope will capture.
This super-telescope is the next generation successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, with a mirror 6 times bigger. It will also be able to peer back in time. For the first time in space exploration, scientists will be able to explore the formation of the first stars and galaxies and search for planets that can support life.

Black Holes: Heart of Darkness

   2021    Science
The centre of our galaxy is home to an invisible monster of unimaginable power – a supermassive black hole named Sagittarius A star, with four million times the mass of the Sun. Recent astronomical breakthroughs have confirmed not only that black holes like Sagittarius A star exist, but that these bizarre invisible objects may be the ultimate galactic protagonists.
Stunning CGI takes us back to witness the fiery origins of our galaxy’s black hole 13.6 billion years ago, when the early universe was home to colossal blue stars, and when they ran out of fuel, they collapsed under their own enormous mass, crushing down into an object so small and so dense it punched a hole in the fabric of the universe. Over billions of years, Sagittarius A star feasted on nearby gas, stars, and through cataclysmic mergers with other black holes. A breakthrough discovery by Nasa’s Fermi gamma-ray telescope has shown that our black hole had the power to sculpt the entire galaxy, creating vast bubbles of gas above and below our galaxy and even protecting stars systems as ours.
In a mind-bending conclusion, Brian Cox reveals how our modern understanding of black holes is challenging our concepts of reality to the breaking point. In trying to understand the fate of objects that fall into Sagittarius A star, scientists have come to a stunning conclusion: space and time, concepts so foundational to how we experience the world around us, are not as fundamental as we once thought.
Series: Universe

Gravitational Waves Revealed

   2021    Science
In astronomy, we've been looking at different kinds of light and opening up the universe a little bit more of the time. But then in 2015, the roof came off. Something happened that changed everything, the ability to see waves in space and time itself. Gravitational waves help us roll back the clock to the dawn of time, discover epic cosmic collisions, on make Earth-shaking discoveries. Gravitational waves are the biggest game changer since the invention of the telescope. We have a completely new universe to view now. A new exploration of space is just beginning.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 9

Birth of Monster Black Holes

   2021    Science
Supermassive black holes are the engines that power our universe and one of the major players in the evolution of galaxies. They're in fact the driving force at the heart of nearly every galaxy in the cosmos. Now, a new mystery has emerged about the oldest supermassive black holes. We see supermassive black holes in the very early universe. And we don't understand how they grew so large so quickly. We have clues about their formation but, can we solve the mystery of this supermassive growth spurt?
Series: How the Universe Works Series 9

War of the Galaxies

   2021    Science
Our universe is at war. The universe is a very violent and deadly place. Entire galaxies fight to the death. Only the strongest survive. If a galaxy wants to stay alive, it has to feed on other galaxies. Our own galaxy also fights for survival. These battles are how galaxies live, grow, and die. These collisions got us to where we are today, and they're going to determine the future of the universe.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 9

Journey to a Black Hole

   2021    Science
We as humans often question the creation of the universe. How was the universe created? How does it work? This series uses global experts from organizations like NASA and CERN to help us understand how this works, and uses CGI to demonstrate the phenomena.
Episode 1 starts the new season as we dive deep into the black holes. The galaxy M87 is known for having at the core a super massive black hole. This black hole is the first ever photographed and we will witness the experts trying to find out the secrets of this famous black hole. In the meantime, they have overcome the scorching winds and death ray jets. And of all its hurdles, the event horizon will be the most difficult. This place is known for its uniqueness of time and space, where time stays still while the laws of physics fail.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 9
Wild Wild Country

Wild Wild Country

2018  Culture
The Human Body

The Human Body

1998  Medicine
Becoming Human

Becoming Human

2010  History
The Jinx

The Jinx

The Universe Season 8

The Universe Season 8

2016  Science