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"Politics"  Sort by

Plagues and Pestilence

   2020    Medicine
COVID-19 is far from the first pandemic to wreak havoc in the world. A long line of infectious diseases have devastated and in some cases destroyed entire societies. Almost all of them started in animals and made the jump to humans. The Black Death spread across Europe and Asia in the 14th century leaving millions dead in its wake. Between the 15th and 18th centuries, European colonists brought smallpox to the Americas, the Pacific region and to Australia. In Europe, the 17th century saw a series of major epidemics. And at the end of the First World War, more people died of the Spanish flu than on the battlefield.
This documentary examines the causes of these epidemics - whether it be lack of hygiene, interaction with animals, overcrowding, or the growth of cities - and how people travelling helped to spread disease and promote pandemics. It also sheds a light on the impact these infectious diseases have had on politics and societal change. Over the centuries, scientists managed to develop treatments and medicines to help control or even eradicate infectious diseases. Virologists are facing that task again with the coronavirus, as the world frantically searches for ways to overcome a pandemic which threatens our modern way of life.

The Plot Against the President

   2020    Culture
The true story of how Congressman Devin Nunes uncovered the operation to bring down the President of the United States. Following the book 'The Plot Against the President' by investigative journalist Lee Smith, this feature length documentary explores new information and additional interviews as the case unfolds. Most of the world knows about Russiagate, but most American people would not be able to explain exactly what happened, and why it was the biggest political scandal in US history. This film will be a guide, and a basis for which people will understand the events related to this case as they continue to unfold every day.

The Rise of Putin

   2020    History
A definitive account of Putin's power and how it changed the modern world. The series is an exploration of how Vladimir Putin brought his knowledge of spy-craft to bear on his leadership of Russia, how his personal experiences have influenced his politics and how modern Russia has been created through an acute sense of betrayal, pride and anger.
The first episode takes viewers on a journey into the mind of one of the 21st century's most influential leaders, offering a portrait of a politician who modelled himself on the Russian James Bond and whose presidency reads like a spy thriller. We will see how Putin escapes poverty by joining the KGB, his reinvention as a political fixer in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union and how he gets into position to take over from President Yeltsin.
Series: Putin: A Russian Spy Story

The Island

   2020    History
Jeffrey Epstein brokers a plea deal that's unprecedented in its leniency, and a survivor opens up about the horrors she endured on his private island. Epstein Jeffrey shared his island with a lot of powerful and well-known figures, both politically and financially.
Series: Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich

Follow the Money

   2020    History
How did Jeffry Epstein acquire the fortune that protected him for so long? As police and FBI gather mountains of evidence against him, Epstein goes on the offensive. The US attorney Alexander Acosta met with Epstein's lawyers. Not only was the indictment gone, the FBI case was stopped.
Series: Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich

The Great Hack

   2019    Culture
A film about the Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal.
Have you ever filled out an online survey? Do you wonder why you receive ads for products that you happened to research the day before? Data has surpassed oil as the world’s most valuable asset, and it is being weaponized to wage cultural and political wars. We’re in a battle for control over our most intimate personal details. The Great Hack uncovers the dark world of data exploitation through the compelling personal journeys of players on different sides of the explosive Cambridge Analytica/Facebook data breach that rocked the world.
The Planets

The Planets

2000  Science
The Jinx

The Jinx

2024  History
The Human Body

The Human Body

1998  Medicine
The Big Conn

The Big Conn

2022  Culture


2009  Nature
The Truth About

The Truth About

2018  Medicine