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Big Cats

   2021    Nature
This immersive series follows the world's most magnificent creatures, capturing never before seen moments from the heartwarming to the outrageous.
In the first episode, majestic, powerful and deadly, big cats were once thought to be solitary creatures. But we're now realizing just how collaborative they can be.


   2021    Nature
Be it foxes on city streets or wolves on the tundra, canines rely on sharp senses, athleticism and fierce determination to punch above their weight. But the real secret of their success is much more surprising. It's a story of their intimate side. It's what makes every dog, from pet pooch to wild dogs, one of the family.


   2021    Nature
It's not all about the pouches. These mammalian misfits are full of surprises, from flamboyant kangaroo showdowns to rattling koala mating calls. They might seem a bit bizarre but don't underestimate them. With unexpected superpowers and amazing adaptability, they have conquered a continent.


   2021    Nature
In changing seas and oceans, cephalopods like the cuttlefish and the giant Pacific octopus must rely on their remarkable intelligence to survive. Their alien appearance comes with astonishing resources, independence, and invention. And there's still so much to learn about these rarely seen legends of the deep.