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Atom: The Clash of Titans

   2007    Science
Author and nuclear physicist Professor Jim Al-Khalili looks at what led to the discovery that everything is made of atoms. The programme looks at how the discovery affected the scientific world including the atomic energy theories of Albert Einstein and Werner Heisenberg and quantum mechanics

Atom: The Key to the Cosmos

   2007    Science
Professor Jim Al-Khalili continues his investigation of the atom by looking at radioactivity, the Atom Bomb and the Big Bang, and even why we are here and how we were made. He shows that, in the quest to understand the atom, the mystery of how the entire universe was created became revealed

Atom: The Illusion of Reality

   2007    Science
In the last in the series Professor Jim Al-Khalili explores how studying the atom forced us to rethink the nature of reality itself. He discovers that there might be parallel universes in which different versions of us exist, finds out that empty space isn't empty at all, and investigates the differences in our perception of the world in the universe and the reality.
Strangest Things

Strangest Things

2021  History
Ancient Apocalypse

Ancient Apocalypse

2024  History
Long Way Up

Long Way Up

2020  Culture
Out of the Cradle

Out of the Cradle

2019  History
History of the Eagles

History of the Eagles

2013  History
Hidden Kingdoms

Hidden Kingdoms

2014  Nature