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The Earth

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Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet

   2021    Nature
David Attenborough and the world-renowned scientist Johan Rockström examine Earth's biodiversity collapse. The film explains how humanity has pushed our planet beyond the boundaries that have kept it stable since the dawn of life, but also that this crisis can still be averted, thinking and acting with one unified purpose to ensure that Earth forever remains healthy and resilient.

The Silent Roar

   2021    Nature
Follow Will Smith on an extraordinary adventure around the world to explore Earth’s greatest wonders and reveal its most hidden secrets. Throughout the six-part series produced by filmmaker Darren Aronofsky, Will is guided by elite explorers on an awe-inspiring journey, getting up close and personal with some of the most thrilling spectacles on the planet — from volcanoes that roar in silence to deserts that move beyond our perception to animal swarms with minds of their own. Combining breathtaking cinematography with Will's boundless curiosity and enthusiasm, the blockbuster series is an exciting, multisensory ride through Earth’s most mind-bending portals.
In the first episode, Will Smith enters a live volcano and discovers a mysterious world of sound.
Series: Welcome to Earth

Beyond Fear

   2021    Nature
Will Smith confronts his fear of nature on powerful white-water rapids in Iceland. "Over five expeditions, I've followed explorers into situations that were straight-up scary. It was worth it to discover the Earth's wonders. But your boy was tripping more than once. Because when I see wilderness, you know, nothing but nature, I get nervous because I don't understand it."
Series: Welcome to Earth

Blue Marble

   2020    Nature
The Blue Marble is an image of Earth taken on 1972, from a distance of about 18,000 miles from the planet's surface. It was taken by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft on its way to the Moon. Before it was photographed from space, our perspective of Earth was fragmented and disconnected. Recent discoveries have revealed a dynamic and rapidly changing planet, above the crust and below.
Series: The Great Acceleration

Can We Cool the Planet

   2020    Nature
Are rising temperatures driving Earth's ecosystems past a point of no return? We have promising technologies that put solutions within our grasp. Scientists are exploring solutions: from geoengineering to sucking carbon out of the air to cloud brightening, as means to cool the planet. Cutting-edge solutions and high-risk measures. But would they work? And what are the risks of engineering Earth's climate?

Changing Planet

   2019    Nature    HD
At a time when the Earth’s surface is changing faster than ever in human history, watch cities grow, forest disappear and glaciers melt.
In the ever-growing grey of cities one man is feeding thousands of parakeets; in Sumatra a female orang-utan and her daughter face life in a forest under threat; while in Tanzania local people use satellites to replant a forest, securing the future for a family of chimpanzees. This is our home as we’ve never seen it before.
Series: Earth from Space
How to Grow a Planet

How to Grow a Planet

2012  Science
The Universe

The Universe

2010  Science


2006  Nature
Natural World

Natural World

2017  Nature
History of the Eagles

History of the Eagles

2013  History
The Mind Explained

The Mind Explained

2019  Medicine
Chef's Table

Chef's Table

2017  Art