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AI and the Future of Humanity

   2024    Technology
In this captivating film hosted by Anderson Cooper, viewers are presented with an insightful exploration of artificial intelligence (AI), its profound implications, and the ethical dilemmas it poses. The documentary begins with a startling revelation: what appeared to be Anderson Cooper was actually an AI-generated version, raising questions about the authenticity of what we see and hear. The narrative then shifts to broader concerns about AI replacing human roles across industries and its capability to outperform humans in tasks ranging from driving to creating art. Viewers are taken on a journey through various facets of AI, from the streets of San Francisco, where robot taxis hint at a future dominated by AI, to the insights of Yoshua Bengio, a pioneer in deep learning.
The film also addresses the darker side of AI, including the potential for misuse and the challenges in distinguishing between reality and AI-generated content. The climax of the documentary presents a critical question: Can AI save humanity, or does it pose a threat to our existence? This thought-provoking exploration of AI's impact on our world is a must-watch for anyone curious about technology and its intersection with human life.

How Time and Consciousness Arise

   2024    Science    HD
The documentary, an own production, immerses the viewer in a journey that blends science and philosophy, questioning the nature of time and unveiling a 4-dimensional universe, where space and time are integrated. We are invited to consider a universe in which past, present, and future coexist, suggesting that our linear perception of time might be more of a mental construction than a physical reality. The narrative progresses by exploring how quantum particles exist in states of probability until they are observed, at which point they acquire defined properties. Then, the provocative hypothesis is presented that observation also fixes the temporal dimension of the particles.
The sensation of the flow of time and the distinction between past, present, and future are introduced as mental constructions, arising from the human brain's limited capacity to process the complexity of reality. It is then proposed that the mind, by observing itself, fixes itself in the temporal dimension, thus creating the illusion of the present. Finally, the impact of these theories on free will is discussed.
This documentary challenges viewers to look beyond their everyday perceptions and consider the possibility that reality is much more complex and fascinating than our immediate experiences suggest. It is an invitation to explore the limits of science, philosophy, and the mind itself in search of answers to some of the deepest questions of existence.
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The Story of Nintendo

   2023    Technology
Over 133 years in the making, from humble beginnings manufacturing 'Hanufuda' cards came one of the world's most recognized videogame companies, from the birth of Mario and Luigi to Donkey Kong and Zelda... to beating its competition and presenting itself as a platform for quality games and strong values. This is the story of Nintendo.

Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food

   2023    Medicine
In a world where the pursuit of health pushes us towards organic aisles and fresh produce, this film uncovers a chilling revelation: the very foods promoted for wellness might be our greatest peril. As we navigate grocery store aisles, seemingly benign items like romaine lettuce, cut fruit, and even infant formula hide tales of contamination and legal battles. This gripping exposé dives deep into the unsettling truth about our food, revealing risks where we least expect them.
With every bite, we make choices about our health. But what if those choices, even the most well-intentioned ones, are not as safe as we believe? Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food challenges our perceptions and urges viewers to question: In the modern food landscape, is anything truly safe? The film is a truly call to action for the officials who have the power to mitigate the danger caused by foodborne pathogens that kill thousands of people every year.

The TikTok Effect

   2023    Technology
What connects amateur sleuths turning up at crime scenes, anti-social behaviour in schools and riots? Marianna Spring has spent one year investigating harmful behaviour on TikTok spilling out into the real-world. As well as crunching the numbers, Marianna tracks down TikTok users, victims and former employees to interrogate and expose how extremely high engagement on TikTok around particular topics appears to be creating these 'frenzies'.
The documentary explores how users go to extreme lengths in order to get more engagement in a battle for followers and likes. Marianna investigates the role TikTok's algorithm and format plays in what’s happening and reveals insiders’ concerns about the app. The film seeks to find out if this is the real danger and what impact it is having on society.

Brawn: The Impossible Formula 1 Story (II)

   2023    Culture
The second part of the series describes how Honda withdrew from Formula 1 and how Ross Brawn and Nick Fry took control to form Brawn GP. It explains the team's financial struggles, their ingenious interpretation of the rules to develop an innovative double diffuser, and the subsequent controversies and legal battles with other teams over the legality of this innovation. The rivalry between Jenson Button, the team's lead driver, and his teammate Rubens Barrichello is emphasized. The climax of the film is Button's victory in Monaco, highlighting both the driver's triumph and the team's success under extreme pressure. As the season progresses, other teams begin to catch up to Brawn GP, increasing the pressure on Button to maintain his championship lead.
The documentary concludes with Brawn GP, pressured by financial needs, signing an agreement with Ecclestone, apparently betraying FOTA (Formula One Teams Association) and creating significant internal conflict. This twist highlights the complex power dynamics and ethical challenges within the world of F1.
Series: Brawn: The Impossible Formula 1 Story
Ice Age Giants

Ice Age Giants

2013  Science
Prehistoric Planet

Prehistoric Planet

2022  Science
Wild Isles

Wild Isles

2023  Nature
Racism: A History

Racism: A History

2007  Culture
Blue Planet II

Blue Planet II

2017  Nature


1980  Culture


2013  History