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In the Shadow of Giants

   2023    Science
The fifth episode of the series is a fascinating exploration of the dinosaur era and its impact on the evolution of life on Earth. Through a journey of 200 million years, we discover how the breakup of Pangea and tectonic changes shaped biodiversity and created environments for dinosaurs and other forms of life to flourish. From the majestic Diplodocus to the formidable Allosaurus, the documentary brings to life the giants that once dominated our planet. Additionally, it shows the evolution of plants, highlighting the emergence of flowers and their symbiotic relationship with insects, such as termites and ants, whose social and evolutionary dynamics are explored in depth. The narrative also addresses the rise of mammals and their coexistence with dinosaurs, highlighting species such as the Numbat and their struggle for survival.
With stunning imagery and a captivating narrative, this episode is an invitation to learn, marvel, and reflect on the extraordinary history of life on Earth.
Series: Life on Our Planet

Planet Earth III: Freshwater

   2023    Nature
Covering one tenth of all species on the planet, Freshwater is a rich, diverse habitat filled with never-ending surprises. The fourth episode is set beneath the Yucatan Peninsula and spanning diverse locations like the rainforests of Costa Rica and the Kalahari Desert and presents a vivid exploration of how freshwater shapes life on Earth. The narrative journeys through the unique breeding rituals of gliding tree frogs in Costa Rica, the strategic hunting methods of mugger crocodiles in Sri Lanka, and the astonishing adaptations of wildlife in the Okavango Delta. It highlights the critical role of freshwater in supporting diverse ecosystems, from the teeming fish species in Lake Malawi to the perilous journey of gobies in Bioko.
The episode also addresses human impact, showcasing the extensive irrigation system in Pakistan and its unintended consequences on local wildlife, like the endangered Indus river dolphin. This captivating chapter not only showcases nature's marvels but also underscores the delicate balance between human needs and wildlife conservation.
Series: Planet Earth III

Planet Earth III: Extremes

   2023    Nature
Explore the breathtaking extremes of our planet in this captivating episode. Journey through the vast Hang Son Doong cave in Vietnam, the largest on Earth. Witness the resilience of life in harsh conditions, marvel at the adaptation strategies of species like the blind cave fish and the enduring Arctic wolf pack. In the Arctic, observe the strategic hunt of wolves preying on musk oxen, a dance as old as the Ice Age. In the French Alps, the struggle for mating among common frogs unfolds, showcasing the urgency and challenges faced by cold-blooded animals. Witness the social dynamics of Barbary macaques in the cedar forests of the Atlas Mountains, where survival hinges on social bonds. The forests of Mexico, home to millions of monarch butterflies that huddle for warmth, illustrates the fragility and beauty of nature.
Discover how fire shapes ecosystems in South Africa's fynbos and Northern Australia, crucial for the survival of species like the golden-shouldered parrot. The documentary poignantly addresses the impact of changing climates and human intervention on wildlife, from the endangered elephants of Amboseli, Kenya, to the secretive snow leopards of the Gobi Desert. This episode offers a profound glimpse into the extraordinary adaptations and challenges faced by wildlife across the globe, reminding us of the delicate balance and beauty of life on Earth.
Series: Planet Earth III

Wild Isles: Freshwater

   2023    Nature
This episode takes you on an enchanting journey through the vital waterways of Britain and Ireland. From the serene reed-beds of Somerset to the bustling ecosystems of Scotland's lochs, the film unveils the intricate dance of life sustained by freshwater. Marvel at the agility of dragonflies and the aerial prowess of hobbies, witness the arduous journey of Atlantic salmon as they return to their birthplaces to spawn, and observe the fascinating life cycle of the mayfly. Discover the impact of reintroduced beavers in Scotland, creating new wetlands that buzz with life. The episode doesn't shy away from showcasing the challenges these ecosystems face, from climate change to pollution, emphasizing the delicate balance that sustains these vibrant freshwater habitats.
‘Freshwater’ is a mesmerizing ode to the streams, rivers, and lakes that are the lifeblood of the Britain and Ireland isles, supporting a diverse array of life in one of the planet's most beautiful settings.
Series: Wild Isles

Super Small Animals

   2022    Nature
From a primate that’s no bigger than a mouse, to a chameleon that can fit on your fingertip, the natural world is full of fantastically small animals. Biologist Patrick Aryee explores the fascinating secrets behind these miniature marvels and shows that they’re not the underdogs you might think they are. Super Small Animals follows him as he meets the leading experts on these pint sized superstars, and finds out what makes them some of the most successful on the planet.
First up, he reveals the huge benefits that being small can bring. There’s the little lemur whose diminutive frame helps it to exploit a unique gap in the eco-system, the tiny hummingbird that uses its size to out-maneuver the competition, and the world’s smallest seahorse that never has to leave home. He also explores why small animals are proportionally the strongest in the world, and introduces a peanut-sized beetle that can pull over a thousand times its own weight.
Next he explores the challenges that animals face when they shrink in size, and the ingenious ways they overcome them. We find out how the smallest armadillo in the world manages to control its temperature in the searing desert sun, and the how the world’s smallest fish can survive in nothing more than a puddle, because it never really grows up. Patrick meets a secretive hippo that lives in the dense jungle, and looks like it’s been shrunk in the wash, and some of the world’s smallest snakes that give birth to enormous babies. He also meets a scientist that studies how really tiny spiders have a surprising trick that enables them to travel an incredible 40 miles per day, using almost no energy.
Then there are the animals that refuse to be pigeon holed as small, and manage to punch way above their weight. He puts some astonishing invertebrates to the test, to see how they work together to become much bigger than the sum of their parts and meets a pint-sized predator that takes on some of the largest and most dangerous creatures on the planet, getting hands on to discover how its build helps it to be brave. Finally he uncovers the incredible lengths that deep sea anglerfish go to in order to be big and small at the same time, and has an endearing encounter with a tiny carnivore that manages to be small in just one direction.
Whether their size helps them to hunt, hide or survive, all these remarkable animals prove that good things really do come in small packages.

Bat Superpowers

   2021    Science
Could the source of the world’s deadliest viruses hold the secret to a healthier and longer life? Bats have a sinister reputation as potential sources for some of the deadliest disease outbreaks: Ebola, MERS, SARS, and most recently, the virus behind the COVID-19 global pandemic. Yet scientists are discovering new evidence that bats are biological marvels and may hold a key to longevity. They’re resistant to the diseases they carry and have freakishly long lifespans for their tiny size.
So, what’s their secret? And what else can we learn from their peculiar biology? From caves in Thailand and Texas to labs around the globe, the films meets the scientists who are decoding the superpowers of the bat.