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Social Networkers

   2024    Nature
The third episode unveils the enigmatic world of octopuses, long believed solitary creatures, revealing their unexpected social behaviors. Follow Dr. Alex Schnell as she forms a unique bond with Scarlett, a shy female day octopus, challenging the long-held belief that these creatures are ultimate loners. Witness intense interactions, from rival confrontations to cooperative hunting with other species, shedding light on the complex social dynamics of these intelligent beings. The film also takes you deep beneath the ocean to octopus nurseries and an extraordinary octopus oasis where multiple species coexist.
Discover how octopuses use their remarkable problem-solving abilities and sophisticated communication to navigate their environments and form selective social interactions. ‘Social Networkers’ redefines our understanding of these ancient, intelligent marine animals and their secret social lives, making it a must-watch for nature enthusiasts and curious minds alike.
Series: Secrets of the Octopus

How Time and Consciousness Arise

   2024    Science    HD
The documentary, an own production, immerses the viewer in a journey that blends science and philosophy, questioning the nature of time and unveiling a 4-dimensional universe, where space and time are integrated. We are invited to consider a universe in which past, present, and future coexist, suggesting that our linear perception of time might be more of a mental construction than a physical reality. The narrative progresses by exploring how quantum particles exist in states of probability until they are observed, at which point they acquire defined properties. Then, the provocative hypothesis is presented that observation also fixes the temporal dimension of the particles.
The sensation of the flow of time and the distinction between past, present, and future are introduced as mental constructions, arising from the human brain's limited capacity to process the complexity of reality. It is then proposed that the mind, by observing itself, fixes itself in the temporal dimension, thus creating the illusion of the present. Finally, the impact of these theories on free will is discussed.
This documentary challenges viewers to look beyond their everyday perceptions and consider the possibility that reality is much more complex and fascinating than our immediate experiences suggest. It is an invitation to explore the limits of science, philosophy, and the mind itself in search of answers to some of the deepest questions of existence.
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Love on the Spectrum U.S S2E2

   2024    Culture
What makes this series particularly compelling is its ability to show that beyond differences, the longing for connection, love, and acceptance is universal. ‘Love on the Spectrum U.S.’ is not just a testament to the resilience and strength of its protagonists but also serves as a source of education and empathy for viewers. Watching it is more than an entertaining experience; it's an invitation to reflect on the nature of love and the importance of celebrating our differences, making it an indispensable addition to the current TV landscape.
In the second episode, James goes out with an Instagram admirer. Connor has a pleasant reunion with a former coworker. First-timer Tanner gets dating advice from Jennifer.
Series: Love on the Spectrum U.S.


   2024    Nature
In every ocean… just beyond our shores…lives an animal with characteristics we think of as ‘human’ – intelligent, social, curious, gentle, and fierce. They build cities, use tools, and collaborate with other species to hunt. They have personalities – some are bold, while others shy. These animals can change their skin colour, texture, and body shape in a blink of an eye and see in wavelengths beyond our vision. Recent studies reveal octopuses’ consciousness, sophisticated decision-making, and unique personalities. On tropical reefs, in frigid waters, from the shoreline to the deep sea and everywhere in between, the octopus have made a home. Join us as we reveal ‘Secrets of the Octopus’.
In the first chapter, whether transforming their body shape and color to disappear or mimicking their deadliest enemy, Octopus use shape-shifting superpowers to survive.
Series: Secrets of the Octopus

Nature Weirdest

   2023    Nature
We love nature and all its glorious diversity. Some creatures we admire for their deadly beauty, others because they are cute, but for some it's hard to figure out exactly why we like them so much, perhaps it's a quirk. How do you decide nature's weirdest animal? Is it the sloth that hangs upside down and moves so slowly that moss grows in its fur? Is it a sea pen that sits rooted to the seabed in endless darkness and emitting its own glow? Could it be carnivorous snails that leave the ocean to digest dead creatures on the beach, finches that drink blood, or the tarantula that keeps a frog as it's pet. But with nature's endless variety, which is the weirdest? We can't decide. Can you?

Clarkson Farm 2: Surviving

   2023    Nature    HD
Another year in the life of Diddly Squat Farm, run by Jeremy Clarkson, Britain's best-known but least-qualified amateur farmer. Season 2 of Clarkson’s Farm promises to be even better than the first as Clarkson and his rag tag group combat the public, the council, and the government.
In the first episode, Clarkson attempts to diversify his farm's revenue sources (having made only £144 in the previous year) in an effort to increase his profits. He decides that his primary way of doing this will be a new herd of cows and promptly purchases several of the animals. However, the timing of when they will bring in money and the necessity of building an enclosure for them causes problems for Jeremy and Charlie. Meanwhile, inspired by the success of the farm shop, Clarkson has the idea to open a restaurant in the abandoned lambing barn to sell his beef and lamb, but he must deal with the cost of converting the barn and getting approval from the local council.
Series: Clarkson Farm Season 2
The Jinx

The Jinx

Planet Earth

Planet Earth

2007  Nature
The Universe Season 7

The Universe Season 7

2014  Science
The Story of God

The Story of God

2016  Culture
Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece

2013  History
How to Change Your Mind

How to Change Your Mind

2022  Medicine