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Chimp Empire: War

   2023    Nature
In the third episode of the series, the intricate social dynamics of the Ngogo chimpanzee community come to a head. Decades of growth and dominance have made this the largest known chimp group, but internal rivalries lead to a significant schism, with a faction of males breaking away to form their own group, the Westerners. Once comrades, these chimps now face each other as deadly enemies. The tension escalates with the mysterious death of Pork Pie, leaving the central chimps in a state of heightened alert and mourning, while leadership struggles and territorial disputes intensify within both factions.
As the Westerners grow bolder, driven by the likes of Richmond and the ambitious Rollins, they encroach further into central territory, setting the stage for an inevitable clash. Amidst the power plays, we witness the personal struggles of individuals like Jackson, the embattled alpha, and Bartoli, who must protect her son Herzog from the looming threat.
This episode masterfully captures the raw emotion and brutal reality of chimpanzee warfare, leaving viewers on edge as alliances are tested and the fight for dominance reaches a fever pitch.
Series: Chimp Empire

Social Networkers

   2024    Nature
The third episode unveils the enigmatic world of octopuses, long believed solitary creatures, revealing their unexpected social behaviors. Follow Dr. Alex Schnell as she forms a unique bond with Scarlett, a shy female day octopus, challenging the long-held belief that these creatures are ultimate loners. Witness intense interactions, from rival confrontations to cooperative hunting with other species, shedding light on the complex social dynamics of these intelligent beings. The film also takes you deep beneath the ocean to octopus nurseries and an extraordinary octopus oasis where multiple species coexist.
Discover how octopuses use their remarkable problem-solving abilities and sophisticated communication to navigate their environments and form selective social interactions. ‘Social Networkers’ redefines our understanding of these ancient, intelligent marine animals and their secret social lives, making it a must-watch for nature enthusiasts and curious minds alike.
Series: Secrets of the Octopus

The Real Casanova

   2024    History
Giacomo Casanova has long been hailed as a lustful beast who romped his way around Europe bedding as many women as he could. He lived a life of adventure, comedy and drama and raised questions about human relationships and sexuality that are still relevant today. How has our view of him changed in these modern times? Although this reputation is well-deserved, it doesn't tell the whole story. Casanova was also a talented and charming cheat who consorted with figures across the social spectrum - from prostitutes and pimps, to kings.

The TikTok Effect

   2023    Technology
What connects amateur sleuths turning up at crime scenes, anti-social behaviour in schools and riots? Marianna Spring has spent one year investigating harmful behaviour on TikTok spilling out into the real-world. As well as crunching the numbers, Marianna tracks down TikTok users, victims and former employees to interrogate and expose how extremely high engagement on TikTok around particular topics appears to be creating these 'frenzies'.
The documentary explores how users go to extreme lengths in order to get more engagement in a battle for followers and likes. Marianna investigates the role TikTok's algorithm and format plays in what’s happening and reveals insiders’ concerns about the app. The film seeks to find out if this is the real danger and what impact it is having on society.

In the Shadow of Giants

   2023    Science
The fifth episode of the series is a fascinating exploration of the dinosaur era and its impact on the evolution of life on Earth. Through a journey of 200 million years, we discover how the breakup of Pangea and tectonic changes shaped biodiversity and created environments for dinosaurs and other forms of life to flourish. From the majestic Diplodocus to the formidable Allosaurus, the documentary brings to life the giants that once dominated our planet. Additionally, it shows the evolution of plants, highlighting the emergence of flowers and their symbiotic relationship with insects, such as termites and ants, whose social and evolutionary dynamics are explored in depth. The narrative also addresses the rise of mammals and their coexistence with dinosaurs, highlighting species such as the Numbat and their struggle for survival.
With stunning imagery and a captivating narrative, this episode is an invitation to learn, marvel, and reflect on the extraordinary history of life on Earth.
Series: Life on Our Planet

U2: Outside it is America

   1987    Art
U2, the '80s sensation, captivated with their unique sound, blending old-school alternative rock's good intentions with epic '70s scale. 'The Joshua Tree,' delves into America's contrasting faces, from vast deserts to big city anonymity and human rights issues. This album is a social snapshot of the late '80s, offering hope amid dark themes.
The documentary explores The Joshua Tree Tour in America. Directed by Barry Devlin and Meiert Avis, it features unreleased videos like 'Spanish Eyes' and 'In God's Country.' Discover unseen footage from this iconic band in the 20th Anniversary Edition of 'The Joshua Tree.' Don't miss it!


2018  Nature
Wild Isles

Wild Isles

2023  Nature
The Story of Us

The Story of Us

2018  Culture
The Climate Wars

The Climate Wars

Vietnam in HD

Vietnam in HD

2011  History
Becoming Human

Becoming Human

2010  History
High Score

High Score

2020  Technology