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"Future"  Sort by

Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy

   2021    Technology
Technology is defining the future of warfare, providing capabilities that were previously unreachable. Every technological leap redraws the battle lines we once knew. The future of warfare lies beyond battlefields to the uncharted reaches of outer space, and even to the digital realm.
In the first episode, artificial intelligence and autonomy are no longer just the field of science fiction; they are a key part of the fourth industrial revolution, and successfully harnessing the power of this new technology will be integral to the success of future warfare.
Series: Future Warfare

Playing God: Editing the Building Blocks of Life

   2021    Medicine
The film explores the revolutionary gene-editing tech now giving humankind the freedom to redraw the blueprint of biological life itself. We investigate not only the tremendous potential the technology holds, whether in the fight to eliminate diseases or in transforming agriculture to adapt to unprecedented climate extremes, but also probe the inherent risks involved and the potential for widespread abuse, dangers that could take our future down a very dark, dystopian path.
Series: 2030 At a Crossroads to the Future

Plastic Pollution

   2021    Nature
This featured film investigates the emerging threats posed by plastic pollution to life on Earth. The hyper-convenience of our modern way of living produces staggering volumes of plastic waste daily. Scientists now know that this waste breaks down into ever tinier pieces, spreading right across the globe and posing direct health risks, including through bioamplification of toxic additives moving up the food chain. We explore the drastic changes it will take to deliver a sustainable future for our planet.
Series: 2030 At a Crossroads to the Future

Top Science Stories of 2021

   2021    Science
The film brings viewers all the amazing news-breaking advances in science in technology from 2021, unfolding around the globe. Shattering barriers and questioning assumptions and turning ideas on their head. Stories that take a leap into the future or follow footprints to the past.
Startling discoveries from a prehistoric nursery to a magic bullet that could contain the pandemic. Accomplishments like harnessing a star in a bottle or mapping invisible parts of the universe. Join us for an exclusive hyper-tour from earth to space.

The New Industrial Revolution

   2021    Technology
This there-part series explores monumental changes in the workplace and the long-term impact on workers, employers, educators and communities. Employment is part of the American Dream. Will the future provide opportunities for jobs that sustain families and the nation?
The first episode illuminates disruptions to the world of work--AI, robotics, globalization and labor practices. The COVID-19 pandemic was a new driver of change; at the pandemic's height, unemployment flipped from its lowest rate in 50 years to its highest level in a century.
Series: Future of Work

Edible Insects

   2021    Culture
From crunchy crickets to nutty fly grubs, the film takes a tasty look at insect foods and how they could benefit our health and our warming planet. From Thailand to Texas, insect farmers are showing how the tiny critters stack up as an environmentally friendly alternative to beef protein and can, pound for pound, deliver better nutritional value than the finest steak. But will western people overcome the 'ick' factor and share the appetite of many cultures around the world for insect feasts?
The Cell

The Cell

How to Grow a Planet

How to Grow a Planet

2012  Science
The Hunt

The Hunt

2015  Nature
Becoming Human

Becoming Human

2010  History
The Hunt

The Hunt

2015  Nature
Prehistoric America

Prehistoric America

2003  Nature
Love On The Spectrum

Love On The Spectrum

2019  Culture