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"Apocalypse"  Sort by

In the Beginning

   2023    History
The series showcases what happened in 1993 in Waco, Texas when cult leader David Koresh faced off against the federal government in a siege of 51 days. In the first episode, gunfire erupts when federal agents arrive at the Branch Davidian compound with a search warrant. Hostage negotiators later attempt to get the children out of the compound.
David Koresh was a member and later a leader of the Branch Davidians, a religious sect and offshoot of the Davidian Seventh-day Adventists, a movement based at the Mount Carmel Center outside Waco, Texas. His apocalyptic Biblical teachings attracted various followers. He became subject to allegations about polygamy and child sexual abuse by former Branch Davidian associates, although investigation by authorities found no conclusive evidence. Further allegations related to the Branch Davidians' stockpiling of weapons led the FBI to launch a raid on the group's Mount Carmel compound in February 1993.
Series: Waco: American Apocalypse

Insect Apocalypse

   2021    Nature
An alarming decline in insect populations could devastate all life on earth. What's causing it, and can anything be done to stop it?
Insects are disappearing across the world. If we lost our pollinators, we would lose 80 to 90% of the plants on the planet. That is not an option. It's the ecosystems on this planet that keep humans alive. Scientists warn us that the insect apocalypse is entirely possible.

Apocalypse Cow

   2020    Nature
In a provocative documentary, environmental campaigner George Monbiot examines the disastrous impact that farming animals for meat has had on the planet. He argues that the biggest problem driving us towards global disaster is how we feed ourselves, particularly on meat
George looks at alternative food sources, including synthetic meat, and a process that produces protein from just bacteria and air, and also explores revolutionary ideas that could change agriculture as we know it.

Black Hole Apocalypse 1of2

   2018    Science    HD
Black holes are the most enigmatic and exotic objects in the universe. They’re also the most powerful; with gravity so strong it can trap light. And they’re destructive, swallowing entire planets, even giant stars. Anything that falls into them vanishes... gone forever. Now, astrophysicists are realizing that black holes may be essential to how our universe evolved—their influence possibly leading to life on Earth and, ultimately, us.
In this series, astrophysicist and author Janna Levin takes viewers on a journey to the frontiers of black hole science. Along the way, we meet leading astronomers and physicists on the verge of finding new answers to provocative questions about these shadowy monsters: Where do they come from? What’s inside? What happens if you fall into one? And what can they tell us about the nature of space, time, and gravity?
Series: Black Hole Apocalypse


   2014    History
Was the sacrifice of an entire generation worldwide an avoidable or a necessary tragedy? Are the roots of World War II to be found in the devastation of World War I? Drawing from over 300 hours of archival footage and tracing the journeys of the civilians and soldiers across the world, anonymous or well-known, who fought for survival in this unprecedented period in human history, both heroic and barbaric. On June 28th, 1914, the assassination of an obscure Austrian archduke in Sarajevo triggers the most disastrous conflict the world has ever known. Germany becomes an enemy to France, invades Belgium, and in September arrives at the gates of Paris.
Series: Apocalypse: World War 1

Neanderthal Apocalypse

   2015    History
40,000 years ago the steppes of Eurasia were home to our closest human relative, the Neanderthals. Recent genetic and archaeological discoveries have proven that they were not the dim-witted cave dwellers we long thought they were. In fact, they were cultured, technologically savvy and more like us than we ever imagined! So why did they disappear? We accompany scientists on an exciting search for an answer to this question and come to a startling conclusion... A climate change due to a cataclysmic event.