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Jimmy Carter: Rock and Roll President

   2020    History
This rockumentary-style presidential portrait shows how Jimmy Carter reinvigorated a post-Watergate America-with the music of the counterculture, including the Allman Brothers, Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson, and Jimmy Buffett. Low on campaign funds and lacking in name recognition, Carter relied on support from these artists to give him a crucial boost in the Democratic primaries. Once Carter was elected, the musicians became frequent guests in the White House.

AI and the Future of Humanity

   2024    Technology
In this captivating film hosted by Anderson Cooper, viewers are presented with an insightful exploration of artificial intelligence (AI), its profound implications, and the ethical dilemmas it poses. The documentary begins with a startling revelation: what appeared to be Anderson Cooper was actually an AI-generated version, raising questions about the authenticity of what we see and hear. The narrative then shifts to broader concerns about AI replacing human roles across industries and its capability to outperform humans in tasks ranging from driving to creating art. Viewers are taken on a journey through various facets of AI, from the streets of San Francisco, where robot taxis hint at a future dominated by AI, to the insights of Yoshua Bengio, a pioneer in deep learning.
The film also addresses the darker side of AI, including the potential for misuse and the challenges in distinguishing between reality and AI-generated content. The climax of the documentary presents a critical question: Can AI save humanity, or does it pose a threat to our existence? This thought-provoking exploration of AI's impact on our world is a must-watch for anyone curious about technology and its intersection with human life.

Deepsea Challenge

   2014    Nature    3D
As a boy, filmmaker James Cameron dreamed of a journey to the deepest part of the ocean. This film is the dramatic fulfillment of that dream. It chronicles Cameron's solo dive to the depths of the Mariana Trench-nearly seven miles beneath the ocean's surface-piloting a submersible he designed himself. The risks were astounding. The footage is breathtaking. DEEPSEA CHALLENGE is a celebration of science, courage, and extraordinary human aspiration.

Three Identical Strangers

   2018    History
New York, 1980: three complete strangers accidentally discover that they are identical triplets, separated at birth. The 19-year-olds' joyous reunion catapults them to international fame, but it also unlocks an extraordinary and disturbing secret that goes beyond their own lives - and could transform our understanding of human nature forever.

The Secret World of Lewis Carroll

   2015    History
It's a timeless classic of children's literature and the third most-quoted book in English after the Bible and Shakespeare. But what lies behind the extraordinary appeal of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to generations of adults and children alike? To mark the 150th anniversary of its publication, this documentary explores the life and imagination of the man who wrote it, the Reverend Charles Dodgson, better known as Lewis Carroll." Broadcaster and journalist Martha Kearney delves into the biographies of both Carroll himself and of the young girl, Alice Liddell, who inspired his most famous creation. Kearney's lifelong passion for Carroll's work began as a young girl, when she starred as Carroll's heroine Alice in her local village play. She discusses the book with a range of experts, biographers and distinguished cultural figures - from the actor Richard E Grant to children's author Philip Pullman - and explores with them the mystery of how a retiring, buttoned-up and meticulous mathematics don, who spent almost his entire life within the cloistered confines of Christ Church Oxford, was able to capture the world of childhood in such a captivating way

The End of Blue Zones

   2023    Medicine
In this eye-opening film, viewers are taken on a journey to explore the secrets behind the longevity of communities like the Greek island of Ikaria and Nicoya, Costa Rica. Discover how they do it with simple foods and exercise that are fully integrated into daily life. This series prompts viewers to reflect on their own lifestyle choices and consider how they can adopt some of these lessons to live longer, healthier lives.
The third installment of the series is a must-watch for anyone interested in the pursuit of a more fulfilling life and provides valuable insights into the importance of community, diet, and lifestyle factors in achieving longevity. It serves as a reminder that we can all make positive changes in our lives to enhance our well-being and potentially extend our lifespan. Don't miss the opportunity to be inspired by the wisdom of Blue Zones in this thought-provoking film.
Series: Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones


2019  Medicine
Earth from Space

Earth from Space

2019  Nature
Reel Rock

Reel Rock

2014  Culture
Building Giants

Building Giants

2019  Technology
Space Deepest Secrets

Space Deepest Secrets

2020  Science
The Man with 1000 Kids

The Man with 1000 Kids

2024  Culture
Blue Planet II

Blue Planet II

2017  Nature