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"Engineering"  Sort by

The Smartphone

   2019    Technology
Dial in to the fascinating history of the smartphone, from its roots in Morse Code to the latest models. Discover how the next generation of Smartphones will allow us to communicate through them just by thinking.
For most of history, we were isolated from the rest of humankind, but the urge to communicate with one another was so powerful that it changed how we interact and gave us a new interface with the world. The story of how we got here is full of the most astonishing twists and unlikely turns to create a device that put the whole world in our hands, the smartphone.
Series: Breakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the World

International Space Station

   2019    Technology    HD
The International Space Station is the ultimate extreme home. Costing $150 billion, it is the most expensive structure humans have ever built, in the most inhospitable environment known to man, with no air food or water. Assembled at 250 miles above the earth, it's an epic engineering challenge. We're going to take it apart and uncover what's going on inside the ISS.
Its superstructure secrets will help our species reach other planets and beyond. Using photo-real computer graphics, we take it apart to uncover the extraordinary innovations that enable it to support life in the deadly vacuum of space.
Series: Superstructures: Engineering Marvels

Into Space

   2019    Technology    HD
The most innovative area of human motion lies not on Earth, but with the exploration of space. Space is the most hostile environment we know. Navigating it involves crossing unprecedented distances. It's the greatest engineering challenge humanity has ever undertaken.
Meet the pioneers who've dreamed of reaching other worlds, pushing the boundaries of space exploration, and the private space entrepreneurs jostling to offer the tantalizing prospect of cheap, frequent travel beyond the atmosphere into Earth orbit.
Series: Speed

Dream Big

   2017    Technology
The film is a first of its kind that will transform how we think about engineering. From the Great Wall of China and the world's tallest buildings to underwater robots, solar cars and smart, sustainable cities, DREAM BIG celebrates the human ingenuity behind engineering marvels big and small, and shows how engineers push the limits of innovation in unexpected and amazing ways.
With its inspiring stories of human grit and aspiration, and extraordinary visuals , the film reveals the compassion and creativity that drive engineers to create better lives for people and a more sustainable future for us all. Narrated by Jeff Bridges.

Can We Build a Brain

   2018    Technology    HD
Artificially intelligent machines are taking over. They’re influencing our everyday lives in profound and often invisible ways. They can read handwriting, interpret emotions, play games, and even act as personal assistants. They are in our phones, our cars, our doctors’ offices, our banks, our web searches... the list goes on and is rapidly growing ever longer. But how does today’s A.I. actually work—and is it truly intelligent? And for that matter, what is intelligence?
The world’s brightest computer programmers are trying to build brighter machines by reverse-engineering the brain and by inventing completely new kinds of computers, with exponentially greater speed and processing power. The documentary looks at how far we’ve come and where machines are headed as their software becomes ever more... cerebral. How close are we from a world in which computers take over—from diagnosing cancer to driving our cars to targeting weapons? If we place more and more of our lives under the control of these artificial brains, what are we putting at risk?
Series: Nova Wonders

What is our future

   2014    Technology
Professor Brian Cox concludes his exploration of our place in the universe by asking what next for the ape that went to space. Our future is far from certain. In Florida, Brian joins the latest efforts to protect Earth from potential catastrophic events. He joins a team of Nasa astronauts who are training for a future mission to an asteroid - should we ever discover one coming our way - under 30 feet of water in a submerged laboratory that simulates space. It is just one example of how, for our long-term survival, space exploration may well be vital. It is a view shared by Apollo 16 astronaut Charlie Duke, who tells Brian what it was like to escape the confines of the planet. It is a dream that both Nasa and now commercial companies share as they race to get humans back into deep space.
But space travel, like every leap our civilisation has ever made, requires energy. Here too, scientists are hard at work attempting to safeguard our future. At the National Ignition Facility in California, Brian witnesses the world's most successful fusion experiment in action. He believes that if their mission succeeds, our civilisation will have unlocked a way to the stars that will not destroy the planet in the process. Brian concludes by returning to the top of the world in Svalbard, where he gains access to our civilisation's greatest treasure, locked away in a vault buried deep in the permafrost.
Series: Human universe
Wild Russia

Wild Russia

2009  Nature
Life Story

Life Story

2014  Nature
Myths and Heroes

Myths and Heroes

2005  History
The Super Models

The Super Models

2023  History
Prehistoric America

Prehistoric America

2003  Nature