The cosmos, with its billions of galaxies and countless stars, isn't the only one. We share our lives with another universe: The world of the small, of the viruses, of the bacteria. We call this strange hidden kingdom the Microcosmos. We share our world with the microcosmos. Will we coexist in an uneasy peace, or will it destroy us? In 2020, A tiny virus caused a global pandemic, COVID-19. This pandemic makes people see the world completely differently, because there was an invisible universe, pretty much ignored for the most part. Very, very tiny things have a huge impact on our lives. The microcosmos is complex, while some parts kill us, others keep us alive. The microcosmos is responsible for the very oxygen that we breathe and the soil on which we live. And it will influence our future as we venture out into space.
In 2020, A tiny virus caused a global pandemic, COVID-19. This pandemic makes people see the world completely differently, because there was an invisible universe, pretty much ignored for the most part. Very, very tiny things have a huge impact on our lives. The microcosmos is complex, while some parts kill us, others keep us alive. The microcosmos is responsible for the very oxygen that we breathe and the soil on which we live. And it will influence our future as we venture out into space.