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2020     49:07    5095 Views

Oaxaca to LA

Oaxaca to LA

Ewan McGregor and Charley Bormann are very close to finishing their journey. Discussions on security are still on the agenda; they cannot travel at night due to dangerous cartels. They will need to do many miles on a bus with space for the bikes inside. The team manage to get the bikes on after concerns they wouldn’t fit. Repairing and conditioning the bus is an achievement considering they did it in a few days.
Ewan and Charley get back on their bikes, and they head to their last border cross to enter the United States. After 12 hours in the border, the crew, Ewan and Charley make it to America. It’s an easy stretch to L.A. on their bikes. Ewan, the crew and family, finish the last leg. It’s done, they’ve managed to finish Long Way Up. It’s such an achievement. Episode 11 is a heartfelt finale, showcasing the end of an incredible journey from both Ewan, Charley, and the team that supported them.