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2021     48:34    6775 Views

Willy and Sal

Willy and Sal

A Six-part Saga on the South Florida traffickers indicted in one of the largest drug cases in U.S. history. Alleged to be the chief U.S. distributors for two of Colombia's biggest cartels, Cuban exiles Augusto 'Willy' Falcon and Salvador 'Sal' Magluta were accused of smuggling over 75 tons of cocaine into the U.S. in the 1980s. The high school friends built a reputed $2 billion empire that made Willy and Sal two of Miami's biggest celebrities. Featuring colourful interviews with those closest to them, their defence team, and the Feds tasked with taking them down, the series paints a vivid portrait of the last of Miami's 'cocaine cowboys.'
The first episode shows how in the 1970s and '80s, friends Willy Falcon and Sal Magluta leave humble beginnings behind as they allegedly ascend to the top of Miami's drug trade.