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To End All War: Oppenheimer and the Atomic Bomb

   2023    Technology
The true story of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer's journey from driven and ambitious scientist to remorseful and tormented man struck hard by the gravity of what he had done. For Oppenheimer, the successful detonation of the first atom bomb validates years of tireless work. But in this moment of seeming triumph, Oppenheimer sees before him a destructive power of almost supernatural magnitude.
The films explores how one man's brilliance, hubris and relentless drive changed the nature of war forever.

Nuclear Now

   2022    Technology
With unprecedented access to the nuclear industry in France, Russia, and the United States, director Oliver Stone delves deep into the groundbreaking technologies that promise a revolution in energy production. But this is not just a story of power and progress; it's a tale of dispelling myths and confronting the fears surrounding nuclear energy. From the passionate voices of those funding their ventures to the illuminating insights of visionaries like Stephen Hawking, 'Nuclear Now' challenges viewers to question their preconceptions.
Join this journey to uncover the truths, understand the risks, and judge the possibilities. Imagine a tomorrow that is brighter than today, where humanity harnesses the primordial power of the atom to ensure a future we can all look forward to. Dive into the debate, and decide for yourself.

The Accident

   2022    Technology
This documentary series explores the Three Mile Island Accident that occurred in Pennsylvania on March 28, 1979, suffering a partial meltdown of the reactor core on the same day. It also reveals how this accident unfolded in real time, its impact on the community and the personal account of the chief engineer and whistleblower, Richard Parks, who had the courage to speak out and avert a catastrophe for the East Coast.
This first episode explains how in 1979, a breakdown at the power plant causes confusion and the release of radiation. Fear spreads, as do suspicions that the authorities are hiding the truth.
Series: Meltdown: Three Mile Island

Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie

   1995    Technology
An unsettling yet visually fascinating documentary presenting the history of nuclear weapons development and testing between 1945 until 1963. Narrated by William Shatner, features extremely rare film segments from top secret government archives and startling footage of nuclear bomb tests conducted by Great Britain and China, plus the largest atomic explosion ever created by Russia, and de-classified U.S. footage released to the public as recent as May, 2006. Whether being exploded under the ocean, suspended by a balloon, shot from a cannon or even detonated in space, these weapons are capable of devastating destruction - the quality of these images is as startling as are remarkable.

Pandora Promise

   2013    Technology
The film explores how and why mankind's most feared and controversial technological discovery is now passionately embraced by many of those who once led the charge against it. PANDORA'S PROMISE aims to inspire a serious and realistic debate over what is without question the most important question of our time: how do we continue to power modern civilization without destroying it?

Fukushima Is Nuclear Power Safe

   2011    Technology
Professor Jim Al-Khalili sets out to discover whether nuclear power is safe. He begins in Japan, at the former Fukushima nuclear plant, where he meets some of the tens of thousands of people who have been evacuated from the exclusion zone. He travels to an abandoned village just outside the zone to witness a nuclear clean-up operation. Jim draws on the latest scientific findings from Japan and from the previous explosion at Chernobyl to understand how dangerous the release of radiation is likely to be and what that means for our trust in nuclear power.