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"Sex"  Sort by

Addicted to Sexting

   2015    Technology
A compelling (and sometimes humorous) look at the rise and proliferation of this social phenomenon from several varying perspectives and how the lives of those engaged in it are affected. Throughout the course of the film, we examine nearly every aspect of what has become a national and international pastime. A vast range of opinions give their input about this delicate subject and, as such, discussions with notable figures in the entertainment, political and medical fields (among others) are included. The film touches on the many high profile scandals surrounding public officials and the resulting consequences of their actions. In stark contrast, an honest look at the possibility of sexting as a positive development within the framework of healthy relationships is also presented. Sexting exists and is not likely to disappear anytime soon. "ADDICTED TO SEXTING" shows the why, how and what possible purpose it serves.

An Everyday Miracle

   1998    Medicine
This series, presented by Robert Winston, takes us on a journey from birth to death using time-lapse photography, computer graphics and various state-of-the-art imaging techniques to explore every aspect, every nook and crevice of the human body in its various stages of growth, maturity and eventual decay. Though heart-warming in that it shows the commonality of human experience, The Human Body is also a potentially depressing reminder of our frail physicality and mortality." In this episode, follow Jeff and Phillippa from conception to the birth of their first child Bob in An Everyday Miracle. Learn why conception is the most dangerous part of your life, and the struggles that you must go through to even reach the first step. The couple openly discuss their concerns and joy throughout their entire pregnancy and this episode in particular would be well worth viewing by those who are expecting their first child. From experience, this tasteful and informative section captures aspects of pregnancy that the hospital-run Maternity Classes don't explain as well. You even get to see the birth of their child which makes for a great lead into the next section. And in case you were wondering, every day there are around 100 million acts of sexual intercourse taking place in the world resulting in around 910,000 conceptions.
Series: The Human Body

Are there More Than Two Sexes

   2016    Medicine
Boy or girl? It’s the eternal question. But that question may have more than two answers. Science reveals the line between male and female is blurred. And the battle of the sexes is happening deep within our cells. Are there more than two sexes?
Series: Through the Wormhole Season 7

Ashley Madison: Sex Lies and Scandal

   2024    Culture
When Ashley Madison, a dating site for people seeking adulterous affairs, is hacked, millions of users' intimate data is exposed, wrecking marriages and destroying lives. This complete three episode documentary series explores the creation of the website during the dot com boom, the people who used the site to explore a part of their love lives they felt was missing, and the hack that made it all come crashing down.
This gripping story is told through a handful of insiders, journalists, and families that were devastated by the release of their confidential information.
Series: Ashley Madison: Sex Lies and Scandal

Attenborough Wonder of Song

   2020    Nature
Sir David Attenborough chooses his favorite recordings from the natural world --from the song of the largest lemur to the song of the humpback whale to the song of the lyrebird-- that have revolutionized our understanding of song. The science of song had been transformed by Charles Darwin’s theory of sexual selection: singing is dangerous as it reveals the singer’s location to predators, but it also offers the male a huge reward, the chance to attract a female and pass on genes to the next generation. Today, new science in the field of birdsong is transforming those long-held ideas.
Scientists are discovering that, in fact, in the majority of all songbird species, females sing - and it is only now they are being properly heard. Through this revelation and others, we can understand that animal songs are marvellous examples of the spectacular survival strategies that species have developed.

Attenboroughs Paradise Birds

   2015    Nature
Birds of paradise are one of David Attenborough's lifelong passions. He was the first to film many of their beautiful and often bizarre displays, and over his lifetime he has tracked them all over the jungles of New Guinea. In this very personal film, he uncovers the remarkable story of how these 'birds from paradise' have captivated explorers, naturalists, artists, film-makers and even royalty. He explores the myths surrounding their discovery 500 years ago, the latest extraordinary behaviour captured on camera and reveals the scientific truth behind their beauty": the evolution of their spectacular appearance has in fact been driven by sex. And in a final contemporary twist to this story of obsession and royalty, he travels to the desert of Qatar, to a state-of-the-art facility which houses the largest breeding group of these birds in the world - a sheikh's very own private collection. There he has his closest ever encounter with a greater bird of paradise and its dramatic display, reliving the experience that captivated him in the forests of New Guinea more than 50 years ago.
Wild Wild Country

Wild Wild Country

2018  Culture
Leaving Neverland

Leaving Neverland

2019  Culture
Earth from Space

Earth from Space

2019  Nature
The Cell

The Cell

Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds

2020  Science
Through the Wormhole

Through the Wormhole

2011  Science