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Mysterious Origins of Insects

   2024    Science    HD
The film explores the eye-opening realm of these creatures to better understand how they evolved. Travelling from the rain forests of French Guiana to the Arctic Ocean, scientists use traditional and cutting edge techniques to examine both modern insects and the fossil record in their search for a single common insect ancestor. Insects are vital to life on our planet, yet almost 40% of known species are in danger of extinction.
Insects are the most diverse group of organisms on Earth. The true number of species is unknown, but some estimates suggest that only a fraction have been identified. They have successfully adapted to every ecosystem on our planet. But insects still harbour many mysteries. Where do they come from? When did they first appear on Earth? How and why have they diversified and multiplied so successfully? At a time when certain insect species are in danger of extinction and there is greater interest in their role within ecosystems, this is the fascinating story of their origins.

Killer Robots

   2023    Technology
What happens when a machine makes life-or-death decisions? This documentary explores the dangers of artificial intelligence in military application. To behold the fascinating military technology shown here is to witness the birth of a terrible beauty that could annihilate us all.
The documentary is not only chilling, it makes this dark side of artificial intelligence seem inevitable. It is also an essential chronicle to get a general idea of how artificial intelligence is being applied not only in warfare, but also in other areas of our society.
Series: Unknown

The Story of Nintendo

   2023    Technology
Over 133 years in the making, from humble beginnings manufacturing 'Hanufuda' cards came one of the world's most recognized videogame companies, from the birth of Mario and Luigi to Donkey Kong and Zelda... to beating its competition and presenting itself as a platform for quality games and strong values. This is the story of Nintendo.

The Most Violent Event in the Universe

   2023    Science
The collision of two supermassive black holes is the most violent event that can occur in the universe; experts explore where a black hole's energy originates and what really happens when the two most powerful objects in the cosmos clash. It is a soul-chilling, mind-crushing amount of energy. Take your ringside seat to the ultimate fight of the universe. Get ready for the final of the cosmos heavyweight championship.
Series: How the Universe Works Season 11

Prehistoric Planet II: Islands

   2023    Science
Travel back 66 million years to when majestic dinosaurs and extraordinary creatures roamed the lands, seas, and skies in the second season of this acclaimed series narrated by David Attenborough.
After a tropical storm, two Zalmoxes find themselves in a rafting event. On a small island, a monumental display takes place as several Hatzegopteryx ambush a herd of Tethyshadros. A female Majungasaurus hunts a group of Simosuchus. A mother Adalatherium raises her offspring in a burrow, hoping to keep them safe from predators like Masiakasaurus and Madtsoia. A pack of Imperobator pursue a Morrosaurus onto a frozen lake. A male Hatzegopteryx attempts to attract a mate.
Series: Prehistoric Planet II

The Spy in Your Mobile

   2023    Technology
Immerse yourself in the enigmatic realm of global cybersecurity with this riveting documentary that navigates the operations of the NSO Group. As a private entity leading the charge in cyber intelligence technologies, Group's flagship spyware, PEGASUS, ignites international debates on surveillance and privacy rights. Delve into the clandestine layers of this contentious group and witness firsthand the intricate, and often unsettling realities of contemporary cyber surveillance.
The film scrutinizes the formidable and unnerving Pegasus spyware, retailed by the Israeli NSO Group, and employed against journalists, activists, and even entire governments. The ensuing tensions and frustrations create a drama that keeps you at the edge of your seat. Prepare to be enthralled by this real-life cyber saga; it's an exploration you won't want to miss.