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"Ocean"  Sort by

Social Networkers

   2024    Nature
The third episode unveils the enigmatic world of octopuses, long believed solitary creatures, revealing their unexpected social behaviors. Follow Dr. Alex Schnell as she forms a unique bond with Scarlett, a shy female day octopus, challenging the long-held belief that these creatures are ultimate loners. Witness intense interactions, from rival confrontations to cooperative hunting with other species, shedding light on the complex social dynamics of these intelligent beings. The film also takes you deep beneath the ocean to octopus nurseries and an extraordinary octopus oasis where multiple species coexist.
Discover how octopuses use their remarkable problem-solving abilities and sophisticated communication to navigate their environments and form selective social interactions. ‘Social Networkers’ redefines our understanding of these ancient, intelligent marine animals and their secret social lives, making it a must-watch for nature enthusiasts and curious minds alike.
Series: Secrets of the Octopus


   2024    Nature
In every ocean… just beyond our shores…lives an animal with characteristics we think of as ‘human’ – intelligent, social, curious, gentle, and fierce. They build cities, use tools, and collaborate with other species to hunt. They have personalities – some are bold, while others shy. These animals can change their skin colour, texture, and body shape in a blink of an eye and see in wavelengths beyond our vision. Recent studies reveal octopuses’ consciousness, sophisticated decision-making, and unique personalities. On tropical reefs, in frigid waters, from the shoreline to the deep sea and everywhere in between, the octopus have made a home. Join us as we reveal ‘Secrets of the Octopus’.
In the first chapter, whether transforming their body shape and color to disappear or mimicking their deadliest enemy, Octopus use shape-shifting superpowers to survive.
Series: Secrets of the Octopus

Nature Weirdest

   2023    Nature
We love nature and all its glorious diversity. Some creatures we admire for their deadly beauty, others because they are cute, but for some it's hard to figure out exactly why we like them so much, perhaps it's a quirk. How do you decide nature's weirdest animal? Is it the sloth that hangs upside down and moves so slowly that moss grows in its fur? Is it a sea pen that sits rooted to the seabed in endless darkness and emitting its own glow? Could it be carnivorous snails that leave the ocean to digest dead creatures on the beach, finches that drink blood, or the tarantula that keeps a frog as it's pet. But with nature's endless variety, which is the weirdest? We can't decide. Can you?

Prehistoric Planet II: Oceans

   2023    Science
A female Phosphorosaurus hunts lanternfish under the ocean's moonlit surface. Hesperornis hunt for fish until they themselves are hunted by Xiphactinus. A Mosasaurus hunts a group of Tuarangisaurus. Nostoceras hatchlings are at the mercy of the tides and juvenile Pyroraptor. The young Nostoceras that survived find themselves among Baculites and Diplomoceras in their new seagrass meadow home. A pod of Morturneria sift the muddy seabed in search of food.
Series: Prehistoric Planet II

The Moons of Saturn

   2023    Science
The magnificent ringed planet Saturn, along with its more than 80 moons, forms the most dynamic planetary system in our neighborhood. With underground oceans and protective magnetic fields, experts are exploring how this collective of satellites has the potential to rewrite the rules of the Solar System.
The closer that we look, the more we see these extraordinary moons like worlds of their own -- so dynamic, so Earth-like. Almost a billion miles from the Sun, these icy worlds could be home for Life 2.0. The moons of Saturn offer possibly the best chance of finding extraterrestrial life in our solar system. With each new mission, we get closer to unraveling the mysteries of Saturn's moons.
Series: How the Universe Works Season 11

In Cold Blood

   2023    Science
The fourth episode of the series takes you on an epic journey through time, beginning 252 million years ago, in a world devastated by the greatest mass extinction in history. Discover how, from the ashes of this cataclysm, fungi become the dominant form of life in an almost apocalyptic landscape. Witness the astonishing story of survival and adaptation of the Lystrosaurus, curious ancestors of mammals, who emerge as the unlikely heirs of the Earth and transform into the dominant creatures, only to be eventually dethroned by new giant predators like the Erythrosuchus. The documentary culminates with the impressive era of dinosaurs and how they adapted to a constantly changing world, and the reigns of the plesiosaurs and pterosaurs, rulers of the oceans and the air. Finally, learn how these titans gave way to modern reptiles and current birds, leaving a legacy that endures to this day.
This documentary is a window into the fascinating evolutionary history of our planet, showing the resilience and diversity of life through the ages. Prepare to be amazed, informed, and deeply moved by this spectacular chronicle of life on our planet.
Series: Life on Our Planet