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A Necessary Fiction

Octavian takes a new bride, Livia, and then introduces her to his family in a startling way... by having her witness the punishment he metes out to Atia and Octavia, for secretly defying the social constraints established through the facade of Octavia's marriage to Mark Antony. The vengeful Gaia carries out her plan to poison Eirene, which produces most dire consequences for Pullo, and no one else is the wiser.
Meanwhile, Octavian, Antony, Maecenas, and their associates barely maintain their relationships of congenial contempt and hypocrisy, as everyone tries to figure out who has duped whom with the disappearance of the gold that was Herod's 'gift.'
Series: Rome Second Season

The Stanford Prison Experiment

   2019    Culture
It all begins as a study on the psychology of prison life led by Stanford psychology professor Dr. Philip Zimbardo. 24 volunteers - 12 guards and 12 prisoners - have agreed to spend the next two weeks recreating life in a correctional facility. Normal people can become monsters, given the right situation, that's the standard narrative of the Stanford Prison Experiment, one of the most famous psychological experiments of all time.
But what if the cause of its participants' cruel behavior wasn't what we've always been told?
Series: Mind Field

From Deserts to Grasslands

   2019    Nature    HD
A fifth of the land on our planet is covered by desert. Deserts may appear to be barren and empty, but they are of crucial importance to life. For those that can overcome their challenges they provide a vital refuge. The Grasslands are one of our planet's most productive landscapes. They support the greatest aggregations of large animals on Earth. Cameras follow desert elephants seeking sustenance, bison roaming North American grasslands and caterpillars living the good life underground.
Series: Our Planet

The Last Dance Episode IX

   2020    Culture
In 1998, the series against the Indiana Pacers of Reggie Miller was the hardest play-off The Chicago Bulls had. In words of Michael Jordan: 'They were big, strong, physical. If I had to pick a team that gave us the toughest time in the east, Indiana was probably the toughest.'
In 1997, The Bulls face a stiff challenge to their reign against the Utah Jazz. The day of the fifth game of the final series, tied at two, Michael Jordan suffered food poisoning but tried to play the game. Role player Steve Kerr makes his mark on the dynasty.
Series: The Last Dance

Elvis Presley: The Searcher Part Two

   2018    History
The second part of this series begins with his return home after his discharge from the army, and how he dealt with a rapidly changing pop scene.
The picture is more complicated than even a fairly serious Elvis fan may understand. Priscilla Presley, who made some appearances in the first part, offers much more here, helping us understand how being forced into making a string of lousy movies was one kind of artistic prison, and then being ensconced in casino hotels for his famous Las Vegas residency was another. The man who had so carefully created his original persona was now stuck in the shallow roles others forced him to play.
Series: Elvis Presley: The Searcher

The House of Special Purpose

   2019    History
Nicholas II abdicates, and civil war erupts. In May 1918, a year after the revolution, the Bolsheviks sent Anastasia, Alexei, Tatiana and Olga to join the rest of the family in Ekaterinburg. They're put in the Ipatiev mansion and It's given the name 'The House of Special Purpose.' As pro-royalist forces close in on the house where the Romanovs are imprisoned, the family's fate is sealed.
Series: The Last Czars
Power of Art

Power of Art

2006  Art


2015  Culture
Human universe

Human universe

2014  Technology


Chef's Table

Chef's Table

2017  Art
The Sky at Night

The Sky at Night

2015  Culture