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Limitless with Chris Hemsworth: Memory

   2022    Medicine
Chris has always worked to keep his body healthy; now it’s time to start looking after his brain. Neurologist Dr. Sharon Sha challenges him to go off-grid into the wilderness without a GPS or map. Teaming up with his buddy, First Nations artist Otis Hope Carey, Chris will need to tune into nature to navigate through Otis’ remote ancestral homeland. The hike stirs up Chris’s most precious memories.
Series: Limitless with Chris Hemsworth


   2022    Medicine
As Chris bulks up for ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ he needs to build a body that looks right for an immortal god. But, he also wants the kind of muscles that are scientifically proven to help him stay strong and healthy as he grows older in real life. Teaming up with extreme sports guru Ross Edgley, he trains for a grueling 100-foot rope climb challenge, changing him from an ornament into an instrument.
Series: Limitless with Chris Hemsworth


   2022    Medicine
Chris turns to longevity doctor Peter Attia to find out how changing his eating habits can help his quest for longevity. Ironically, the answer is to eat no food at all for four long days. If he can bear the hunger, fasting will unlock his body’s own anti-aging powers and give Chris the edge he needs when he tries to hunt for his next meal … by spearfishing off the Great Barrier Reef.
Series: Limitless with Chris Hemsworth


   2022    Medicine
To maximize longevity, you might think it’s best to play it safe and stay cozy. But some scientists believe we should do the opposite, as exposure to extreme temperatures can trigger our bodies’ own defenses against the killer diseases of old age. Chris heads for the freezing Arctic with his brothers Liam and Luke to take on the ultimate cold therapy.
Series: Limitless with Chris Hemsworth

Chapter 4: Mescaline

   2022    Medicine
The last episode explores Mescaline, the psychoactive molecule in San Pedro and peyote cacti, a sacred medicine that Native Americans have had to fight for the right to use. At the Indigenous practices there's always an elder, someone who knows the territory very well, who's presiding. There's usually a group, a community is involved, There's always an intention, a purpose to what you're doing, and you're treating it as sacred, in order to achieve altered states of consciousness, which contribute to worship in various ways, or celebration or healing.
But maybe all this is not so new to Western culture after all. In the old Greek histories of Eleusis, people who were initiated there got the drink, the kykeon, and then they had the illumination. The precise recipe is a mystery, but we know that the kykeon was a psychoactive brew that was used at the Eleusinian mysteries, a sacred annual ritual of enlightenment practiced by some of the world's greatest minds including Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. So why did this ritual come to an end more than 1,000 years ago? Was the possibility of illumination or achieving a higher consciousness considered threatening to the powers that be? Have the drug wars been merely an extension of that fear?
Psychedelics has a major part in how we can heal as a community, how we can heal as a city, and how we can heal as a country. The current renaissance of psychedelics could not come at a better time as the world confronts a crisis in mental health. But psychedelics have much to offer. The psychedelic experience changes the mind in ways that will help scientists better understand how it works. All these altered states allow us to probe what is the greatest mystery in all of nature. The emergence from mere matter of something as miraculous as consciousness. But an even bigger question is whether psychedelics might help us address the environmental crisis of how we think about our place in nature. One of the greatest gifts of psychedelics is how they reanimate the natural world, allowing us to perceive the subject, the spirit of all species, not just our own. And to feel a deeper sense of interconnectedness with nature.
Series: How to Change Your Mind

Chapter 3: MDMA

   2022    Medicine
Championed by both therapists and ravers, ecstasy stands out as the first psychedelic likely to become legalized, thanks to passionate advocates.
The episode about 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), is focused on Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) clinical trials treating Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Series: How to Change Your Mind
Fierce Queens

Fierce Queens

2020  Nature
Eden: Untamed Planet

Eden: Untamed Planet

2021  Nature
100 Foot Wave

100 Foot Wave

2021  Culture


2010  Science


2020  History
Clarkson Farm Season 2

Clarkson Farm Season 2

2023  Nature