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"Chemistry"  Sort by

The Origin of Life

   2024    Science    HD
The film, marking our first own production, embarks on an awe-inspiring journey, shedding light on one of science's most profound questions: How did life emerge from the non-living? With a focus on the intricate mechanisms that may have transformed simple molecules into the first microorganisms, this film explores the concept of a chemical evolution that meticulously selected increasingly complex molecules, eventually leading to the genesis of life. By delving into the pivotal role of RNA, viewers are invited to contemplate the plausibility of life spontaneously arising from the basic elements of the universe.
The documentary meticulously illustrates a potential pathway for the emergence of life, emphasizing the significance of ribozymes—RNA molecules with catalytic abilities—and their role in a prebiotic chemical evolution. The film posits a compelling argument for the natural processes that might have led to the formation of the first complex lipid vesicles, a critical step towards cellular life. By presenting a theory that bridges gaps in our understanding with scientific ingenuity, ‘The Origin of Life’ invites viewers on an intellectual adventure to discover the origins of existence itself.
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   2020    Science
In this series, David Pogue explores the fantastic chemistry behind the everyday and sets out on a worldwide quest to find the key molecules and chemical reactions that have paved the way for human civilization, life, and even the universe as we know it.
In the first episode, glass so strong you can jump on it, rubber so tough it protects a clay pot dropped from 50 feet, endless varieties of plastic. Scientists and engineers have created virtually indestructible versions of common materials by manipulating the chains of interlocking atoms that give them strength—but have they made them too tough?
Series: Beyond the Elements

Beyond the Elements: Life

   2020    Science
Without the chemistry of photosynthesis, ozone, and a molecule called Rubisco, none of us would be here. So how did we get so lucky? To find out, host David Pogue investigates the surprising molecules that allowed life on Earth to begin, and ultimately thrive. Along the way, he finds out what we’re all made of—literally.
Series: Beyond the Elements


   2020    Science
Just about every solid, liquid, or gas in the world as we know it begins with reactions between individual atoms and molecules. Host David Pogue dives into the transformative world of chemical reactions, from the complex formula that produces cement to the single reaction that’s allowed farmers to feed a global population by the billions.
Series: Beyond the Elements

The Language of Science

   2017    History
Physicist Jim Al-Khalili travels through Syria, Iran, Tunisia and Spain to tell the story of the great leap in scientific knowledge that took place in the Islamic world between the 8th and 14th centuries. Its legacy is tangible, with terms like algebra, algorithm and alkali all being Arabic in origin and at the very heart of modern science - there would be no modern mathematics or physics without algebra, no computers without algorithms and no chemistry without alkalis. For Baghdad-born Al-Khalili, this is also a personal journey, and on his travels he uncovers a diverse and outward-looking culture, fascinated by learning and obsessed with science. From the great mathematician Al-Khwarizmi, who did much to establish the mathematical tradition we now know as algebra, to Ibn Sina, a pioneer of early medicine whose Canon of Medicine was still in use as recently as the 19th century, Al-Khalili pieces together a remarkable story of the often-overlooked achievements of the early medieval Islamic scientists.
Series: Science and Islam

The Empire of Reason

   2017    History
Al-Khalili travels to northern Syria to discover how, a thousand years ago, the great astronomer and mathematician Al-Biruni estimated the size of the earth to within a few hundred miles of the correct figure. He discovers how medieval Islamic scholars helped turn the magical and occult practice of alchemy into modern chemistry. In Cairo, he tells the story of the extraordinary physicist Ibn al-Haytham, who helped establish the modern science of optics and proved one of the most fundamental principles in physics - that light travels in straight lines. Prof Al-Khalili argues that these scholars are among the first people to insist that all scientific theories are backed up by careful experimental observation, bringing a rigour to science that didn't really exist before.
Series: Science and Islam
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Nova Wonders

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