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   2022    Culture
Nathan decides to practice his own assertiveness in relationships by challenging Angela over their son's religious upbringing. Angela, a fervent Christian, refuses to allow Adam to be raised in Nathan's Jewish faith, so Nathan secretly brings his son to lessons with a tutor in Judaism under the pretense of swimming lessons. Seeking solace outside the house, Nathan opens his replica Alligator Lounge to the public under the name Nate's Lizard Lounge. The co-parents argue over a comedy skit featuring six-year-old Adam as 'Dr. Fart' and a joke about eating faeces, which Angela claims is a Satanic practice.
Nathan rehearses the confrontations with a fake Angela, and in one scenario, she harshly criticizes Nathan's emotional detachment and questions the ethics of the entire production. However, in their real final confrontation, Angela simply decides to quit the rehearsal. Nathan continues to raise Adam, now as a single parent.
Series: The Rehearsal


   2023    Nature
Jeremy comes face to face with his nemesis: the badger. Clarkson is informed by Charlie that his cows are in danger of contracting Bovine Tuberculosis from the badgers on the farm. He decides to resolve the issue by killing the creatures but is informed that this is illegal in most cases. Faced with a danger to his herd, Clarkson must hope for the best.
Series: Clarkson Farm Season 2

Clarkson Farm 2: Surviving

   2023    Nature    HD
Another year in the life of Diddly Squat Farm, run by Jeremy Clarkson, Britain's best-known but least-qualified amateur farmer. Season 2 of Clarkson’s Farm promises to be even better than the first as Clarkson and his rag tag group combat the public, the council, and the government.
In the first episode, Clarkson attempts to diversify his farm's revenue sources (having made only £144 in the previous year) in an effort to increase his profits. He decides that his primary way of doing this will be a new herd of cows and promptly purchases several of the animals. However, the timing of when they will bring in money and the necessity of building an enclosure for them causes problems for Jeremy and Charlie. Meanwhile, inspired by the success of the farm shop, Clarkson has the idea to open a restaurant in the abandoned lambing barn to sell his beef and lamb, but he must deal with the cost of converting the barn and getting approval from the local council.
Series: Clarkson Farm Season 2


   2023    Nature
Jeremy's restaurant opens in a matter of days, but it's all on the QT. Jeremy does not want the council to find out until just before it opens. Which is why Jeremy and Kaleb are laying pipes for water and electrics across a field in the dead of night. Pepper the heifer is still very much alive and is enjoying the company of Break Heart Maestro a lot.
Two days until Restaurant Opening Day, Jeremy informs the council and it's game on: Alan and his team of builders work at full throttle, Pip and her team of chefs do too, and the blend of excitement and panic is affecting everyone. The day itself arrives. Will the Diddly Squat Farm Restaurant sink or swim? Or will the council shut it down before the first steak hits the grill?
Series: Clarkson Farm Season 2


   2023    Nature
The results of the TB test are in... but just as important is the fact that numerous calves are scheduled to be born in the next couple of weeks. The first few happen very quickly in the dead of night before Jeremy's woken up, but soon he and Kaleb are dealing with some very challenging situations. Jeremy also meets local farmers to discuss a farmers' co-operative to supply the restaurant - much-needed by some who are really struggling - because the clock is counting down to Decision Day, when the Council will hold a public meeting to decide the fate of Jeremy's restaurant.
After weeks of waiting, the day of judgement for Clarkson's restaurant is at last here. He and Charlie set off to put their case to the powers that be. Is it a Yes? Or is it a No?
Series: Clarkson Farm Season 2


   2023    Nature
Everyone's still reeling from the council's decision and its implications: the money Jeremy's spent on cows for the restaurant, the locals who won't find work there now and the farmers' co-operative that's now defunct. Charlie sets out to find a legal team to help Jeremy appeal the decision, as Jeremy and Kaleb get to work on tagging the new calves and attempting to navigate a government helpline where you're supposed to register them.
There are other useful distractions from the council in the shape of Diddly Squat's Hedge Laying Competition and a mouse that brings the whole farm to a standstill. The legal team that Charlie has assembled pay a visit. They outline their strategy for the appeal, but also the costs that come with it.
Series: Clarkson Farm Season 2
Wonders of Life

Wonders of Life

2013  Science


2021  Nature
Future of Work

Future of Work

2021  Technology
The Green Planet

The Green Planet

2022  Nature
Pets: Wild at Heart

Pets: Wild at Heart

2015  Nature
Chased by Sea Monsters

Chased by Sea Monsters

2003  Science